Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 1

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 1

Three adventurers, MERLIN THE CORSAIR (+Michael Moscrip) and the magicians PRESTIDIGITOR (+Zzarchov Kowolski) and IZZARD THE WIZZARD (+Zak Smith), made two forays south from GIKHUN TAM to the crumbling TOWER OF DUST. 

After daringly but futilely attempting to capture a horned viper, they were driven from the tower by the howls (and thrown stones) of a band of seemingly possessed BABOONS whose eyes burned with an eerie light and who bore Swords, shields, helmets and 'mojo bags' in the manner of men. Bearing the unconscious Prestidigitor back to town, they drove off hungry jackals with flaming brands and loud shouts. 

There in Gikhun Tam, they petitioned both the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS and the AMAZONS alike for assistance, to little avail, though one of the Amazons did agree to show a baboon mojo bag to her master, the mysterious Necromancer UZZARIS CHOL. Finally, Izzard elected to use his sinster magic to persuade an innocent SHEPHERD to drive his flock into the tower where he was struck dead by a baboon-hurled stone, and much of his flock torn to shreds by undead SKELETONS who were eternally crumbling into dust. 
Scaling the outer wall of the tower complex, they encountered an arboretum of cedar trees, uncannily lush in the midst of the desert, and a great REFLECTING POOL full of a water that did not quench thirst, but rather dried anything that touched it into  brittle ruin. After entering an ancient crypt and battling more Baboons there, they fled the complex with the once again unconscious Prestidigitor in their arms, stopping only to carefully harvest some of the mysterious water.

The take -

Creatures bested:

10 Uncanny Baboons
10 Crumbling Skeletons
4 Wary jackals

Treasures recovered.

53 CP worth of polished stones.
2 Vials of anti-water
2 Bronze helmets
1 Shield
1 Corroded bronze sword

XP per player: 342 each


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