The Death of Orgone the White, Failed Savior of the Eastern Empire, had really reminded me of how often I died in...

The Death of Orgone the White, Failed Savior of the Eastern Empire, had really reminded me of how often I died in Robert Parker's Krul games.  I will add Orgone to the roll of dead heroes: Medium Fang and Dar-Marc the Beast Master.  Let's see how long Hasslehoff the Handsome lasts or if he'll be crushed to death by a man-god.


  1. What, Orgone gone?! Nooo, the Wizardbane Bird again!

  2. I think it's on par with Dar-Marc's.

  3. How did Dar-Marc shuffle off his mortal coil?

  4. God, I don't even remember, sadly. Dennis Higgins?

  5. I forget.  It was like 50 feet.  Something happened that made the man-god fall off a ladder or a rope or something, then he crashed into me below him, I failed whatever roll I needed and proceeded to plummet to my death.

  6. The more I think about it, I think I was CLOSE to death from the fall, but the damage I took from the man-god falling on me is what killed me.  But I could be misremembering.


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