( News items by date in comments.)


  1. 11-27-16


    Travelers from GIKHUN TAM report that the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS, responding to rumors of a FEVERISH PLAGUE have burned several wayhouses south of the city and slaughtered many of the inhabitants of the SHANTYTOWN near the coast in an attempt to check its spread.

    Meanwhile, on the outskirts of GUNN LATTH, days of lavish festivities are held as Prince BARUNNIN of UTTUN celebrates his wedding to CHIKHIR, eldest granddaughter of the patriarch of of the house of ANUKHA KHIGA. Many of the guests report the tenor of the celebrations to be somber and fearful, officiated by a strange UTTUNESE PRIEST.

    Furthermore, in the wine-house so often frequented by sellswords and vagabonds, the courtesan JADIN, late the companion of AKAMU the merchant-sorcerer, has spread the rumor in her cups that her patron has taken to raving and wandering by night, as if tormented by MADDENING SPIRITS.


    1) An aged farmer, THANDO, calls upon THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, telling him that the GREAT FATHER has had a vision that some hostile force seeks to disrupt their ceremony on the night of the full moon. "Though the great father has his reservations, he has seen signs that you have a role o play in the preservation of the ceremony."

    2) FOLG SON OF FOLG overhears two of his orphans, NINA and PUNUN singing an odd rhyme. They explain to him that they mean to ward off evil forces, having heard rumors about the docks that several handsome young men have been found dead of no clear cause - the girls are certain they have fallen prety to some kind of WITCH or VAMPIRE>

    3) The scout PUNGA tells DJAZKA and PHERMOPOLIS at the wine-house that a rough-looking Imperial deserter, KOBTEEN, has been asking around for "bold men who don't ask too many questions." He adds "I think me means to capture a ship. it's not my kind of work. But perhaps it is yours."


    1) A gray-bearded vagabond offers a DAGGER WRAPPED IN SAFFRON CLOTH. "It is set with fine jewels, but weigh wisely whether you should look upon it - its appearance incites the weak-willed to covet it desperately." 2500 GP.

    2) A finely-carved EBONY BOX, about a foot long on each side. "It contains the skull of an ancient warrior, to which the dry skin still clings. This relic, I think, might convey some of the fighting prowess of the man in life." 750 GP.

    3) A handsome WAR CAMEL, with a coat like brushed bronze. Says the old woman holding the reins, "Look, noble sirs, how clever he is! With the stamp of his foot, he counts with an accuracy beggaring the stingiest money-lender! See the gleam in his eyes!, for you, a mere 300 pieces of gold!" 300 GP.


    1) NUNO, Man-at-arms. 12GP/Week

    Glowering eyes, bronze front teeth. Brash.

    Spear, Dagger, Shortbow, 12 Arrows. He-Man Harness, Armored Belt & Codpiece. (AC 7)

    6 Torches, flint & steel, wild game rations (7 days), pipe and hashish, hemp rope (50 feet).

    Str: 13 Dex: 11 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Con: 9 Cha: 8 HP: 5

    3) JIN JETHNINA, Warrior. Half share.

    Lanky, aristocratic air. Distinctive war whoop.

    Battle Axe, 6 Throwing Knives, He-Man Harness, Helmet, Shield. (AC 2)

    6 Torches, flint and tinder, smoked pork rations (7 days), cooking pot, hammock, waterskin, hemp rope (50 feet).


    In GUNN LATTH, petitioners flock to the palace gates as cases of the FEVER PLAGUE have claimed victims within the city wall. "What good," a voice shouts from the crowd, "does us the GREAT BULL do us if out brothers and sisters sicken> What good does us the prince?!" But before he can be fount, the heckler has disappeared.

    In the wake of this, there have been reports that graves have been robbed, releasing PLAGUE SPIRITS. Rumors variously blame the TAHUNI WANDERERS or travelers from beplagued SUNNAR NAKK.

    Better news comes from the hinterlands beyond the city, where the warrior-woman SAIKURRA and her retainers devastatingly reversed an ambush by the BLACK BAND, slaying the bandits in several times their own number.


    1) The merchant TUNH DUNA CHHAN, having met with his colleague AUNIKK ANH GANIKK, seeks brave heroes to slay the BLIND DEMON who held their children captive. They offer a bounty of 2,000 Gold Coins and pledge the swords of ten of their men to the effort.

    2) The drunkard BADDA reports that CAPTAIN HANNO was walking through the palace garden, airing his frustation that he lacked for MEN OF FEW POLITICAL ENTANGLEMENTS to investigate the grave robberies, and confirm or debunk the reports of PLAGUE SPIRITS and exonerate various ethnicities of any complicity in the plague deaths.

    3) The mystic SENEKH, meanwhile, seeks to gather a brave and righteous HONOR GUARD to escort the GREAT BULL OF SORROW through the land, confident that the holy beast can relieve the plague.


    1) A great BRASS KEY, affixed to a broken chain. "I found it by the side of the road," says a scrawny youth. "Doubtless it unlocks some great treasure. Is it not always the way?" 50 GP.

    2) A gray-bearded vagabond offers a DAGGER WRAPPED IN SAFFRON CLOTH. "It is set with fine jewels, but weigh wisely whether you should look upon it - its appearance incites the weak-willed to covet it desperately." 2500 GP.

    3) A finely-carved EBONY BOX, about a foot long on each side. "It contains the skull of an ancient warrior, to which the dry skin still clings. This relic, I think, might convey some of the fighting prowess of the man in life." 750 GP.


    1) ABTA ARIS, Man-At-Arms. 12 GP/Week.

    Little person. Has fleas. Surly.

    Shortsword, Sling, 12 Bullets, Helmet, Shoulder Pieces, Shield. (AC 6)

    Grappling Hook, 50' Rope, Lantern, 6 Flasks Oil, Flint & Steel, Sour Goat Rations (6 Days).

    Str: 5 Dex:12 Int:9 Wis:13 Con:16 Cha:8 HP:8

    2) NUNO, Man-at-arms. 12GP/Week

    Glowering eyes, bronze front teeth. Brash.

    Spear, Dagger, Shortbow, 12 Arrows. He-Man Harness, Armored Belt & Codpiece. (AC 7)

    6 Torches, flint & steel, wild game rations (7 days), pipe and hashish, hemp rope (50 feet).

    Str: 13 Dex: 11 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Con: 9 Cha: 8 HP: 5

    3) JIN JETHNINA, Warrior. Half share.

    Lanky, aristocratic air. Distinctive war whoop.

    Battle Axe, 6 Throwing Knives, He-Man Harness, Helmet, Shield. (AC 2)

    6 Torches, flint and tinder, smoked pork rations (7 days), cooking pot, hammock, waterskin, hemp rope (50 feet).

  3. 12-10-16


    In GUNN LATTH, blood has stained the city streets as retainers of the merchant house of NAKHINO clashed with a large gang of DEMON SONS over some seemingly minor slight. Perhaps a dozen men were killed and only the intervention of the PRINCE'S SOLDIERS ended the conflict.

    Meanwhile, partisans of the warlord HUNAL CHENA visting the city report that OMINOUS DRUMS have been heard thundering out from the jungle, sounding out a threatening message from the rival warlord ZAGUR.

    More reassuringly, the palace scribe DEN DHINAM reports that the scholar VOKK RINUAH has found "a very efficacious treatment" for what they are now calling the WHITE RIVER FEVER. The critical ingredient is a kind of wormwood associated with the SOUTHERN EMPIRE.


    1) The Mystic SENEKH, untrusting oF VOKK RINUAH'S prescription, still desires men of heroic character to escort the GREAT BULL OF SORROW through the land.

    2) The merchants TUNH DUNA CHHAN and AUNIKK ANH GANIKK still want vengeance upon the BLIND DEMON that imprisoned their children.

    3) A palace servant approaches THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, informing him that the Imperial ambassador ADUL PANDUN desires his counsel on "a confidential matter."


    1) A jar of SCENTED OIL, redolent of allspice. "Distilled by a holy man, it was. He who is anointed with this oil is invincble to curse and charm." 500 GP

    2) A gray-bearded vagabond offers a DAGGER WRAPPED IN SAFFRON CLOTH. "It is set with fine jewels, but weigh wisely whether you should look upon it - its appearance incites the weak-willed to covet it desperately." 2500 GP.

    3) A finely-carved EBONY BOX, about a foot long on each side. "It contains the skull of an ancient warrior, to which the dry skin still clings. This relic, I think, might convey some of the fighting prowess of the man in life." 750 GP.


    1) ABTA ARIS, Man-At-Arms. 12 GP/Week.

    Little person. Has fleas. Surly.

    Shortsword, Sling, 12 Bullets, Helmet, Shoulder Pieces, Shield. (AC 6)

    Grappling Hook, 50' Rope, Lantern, 6 Flasks Oil, Flint & Steel, Sour Goat Rations (6 Days).

    Str: 5 Dex:12 Int:9 Wis:13 Con:16 Cha:8 HP:8

    2) NUNO, Man-at-arms. 12GP/Week

    Glowering eyes, bronze front teeth. Brash.

    Spear, Dagger, Shortbow, 12 Arrows. He-Man Harness, Armored Belt & Codpiece. (AC 7)

    6 Torches, flint & steel, wild game rations (7 days), pipe and hashish, hemp rope (50 feet).

    Str: 13 Dex: 11 Int: 14 Wis: 10 Con: 9 Cha: 8 HP: 5

    3) JIN JETHNINA, Warrior. Half share.

    Lanky, aristocratic air. Distinctive war whoop.

    Battle Axe, 6 Throwing Knives, He-Man Harness, Helmet, Shield. (AC 2)

    6 Torches, flint and tinder, smoked pork rations (7 days), cooking pot, hammock, waterskin, hemp rope (50 feet).


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