Intrigued by the request of the pirate captain JURA FAR that he guard a ship run aground on the cost north of GIKHUN TAM, yet still wary, URSA THE MUSTACHIOED pressed the old salt for more information, as the wily HERMIT RINPOCHE plied him with sorghum wine to loosen his lips. They determined that the ship held cargo desinted for the hands of the Necromancer UZZARIS CHOL, and trying to navigate a middle course between both interests, offered to bring supplies to the survivors of the wreck to help them guard their prize. In the company of ROBARD THE THIRD and SALLAH THE ALBINO,  they set out northward, taking with them the veteran HIYARI and the porter CHANO. Along the way they encountered a peddler offering blank imperial documents bearing authentic-looking seals, but deemed them likely counterfeit and continued on toward the site of the ship, ligher, unfortunately, of the weight of Sallah's purse.

Interviewing the captain of the grounded ship, they found that a freak squall had undone them, and that some of the crew had even been struck by lightning. They offered to join them for the night, and after a rest that was mostly uneventful, except for a cobra slithering into their camp, seeking the body heat of Robard, frightened away by the magic of the Hermit Rinpoche.

Pressing northward in the morning, looking to make another attempt to rescue the TAHUNI REVEREND MOTHER from the TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN, a brief scent of ozone and incense wafter over them, and they all fell into a deep slumber.

They awoke, stripped to shifts and loincloths, in a lightless cell. Through whispers to other prisoners, they learned they were imprisoned in the depths of the Night-men's temple, kept like cattle for the night-men to drink their blood. They also learned that the Reverend Mother had been taken away for some "Terrible Ritual" on the previous new moon. Ursa quietly and patently worked out a nail from the ancient wooden bars, and sprung the door of his cell, releasing his companions and heading into the darkness with the mighty Robard wielding the prison bar as a club. Following their hand along the wall, they came to a door, and opened it to find a kind of medidation space, with murals showing a hideous cycle of torment and rebirth from man to night-man, amidst hanging censers and prayer mats.  After fighting off a startled band of night-men, come to meditate, they recovered most of Robard's equipment and claimed weapons from their foes. 

When the battle concluded, they came upon POLIORKETES HALF-FACE, who had been lost in the desert and eventually made his way to the temple. Joining him, they pushed through the temple, slaying several more in a chamber holding a dank, vegetation-choked pool before a grand tryptich of green flame, death and torture. Recovering more of their gear, and finding their animals in a chamber of cisterns, they made their way out into the night, defeating the startled archers lurking among the stones outside the temple. One of the guards fled away on Poliorketes' camel, tied at the base of the trail to the tunnel, but he was run town by Robard on his swift horse, as the rest of the adventurers chased off a pack of curious jackals. 

Revisiting the shipwreck along the way, they found all of the pirates slain - some torn to pieces-some mysteriously suffocated, with only a set of wagon tracks going off into the east to suggest a culprit. Weary from their escape, they left the tracks alone and headed south. Poorer, but alive, they and the rest of the prisoners made their way back to town.

One Over-friendly Cobra.
Four Skulking Night-men
Eight Fanatical Night-men
Four Night-men Archers
Three Jackals

25% of their own cash, minus whatever Sallah had
Miscellaneous Night-Men Equipment - 80 GP
Five clay eggs
The deep gratitude of six farmers
Grand Total 80 GP

Goods on board the ship:
2 Barrels Excellent Wine - 125 GP Each
2 Crates of Silver Ingots - 125 GP Each
10 Lbs Finest Hashish - 500 GP

For a total of 1000 GP. Selling these without Jura Far and/or Uzzaris Chol knowing may be a problem.

Experience Per Character - 353 Each


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