It is a day of mourning in GUNN LATTH as the funerary rites of the great Hero ROBARD THE THIRD, barbarian, deliverer of the GREAT BULL OF SORROW are performed. Amidst drinking and dancing, What remains of his bones, already charred, are committed to the fire. The naked mystic SENEKH pontificates with dubious relevance to the circumstances, and the aged scholar VOKK RINUAH, in the company his new apprentice BAUN, a plump orphan of an old but impoverished line, nods solemnly as the boy stifles a fit of coughs. At the moment before the crowd can begin to disperse, a finely appointed sedan chair arrives on the banks of muscular bearers. From behind its curtains emerges a vision, jade-eyed, sunset-dark, architecturally coiffed -- the lady SUNUL. She strides gracefully and with purpose toward the fire, casts a single rose into the flames, and without a word, returns to her seat and is borne away.

Meanwhile, as one outlander departs, another arrives - an eminent dignitary of the WESTERN EMPIRE, the Prince EMAASHAN GILBAR SHAREL, renowned for the handsomeness of his face, his unbroken string of duels, his reputation of piety. Accompanied by a well-greaved honor guard, it is said he has come to pay homage to the Great Bull.

Meanwhile, civic tension remains high in the city as the feud between the retainers of KARUMAKKA and HUNAL CHENA accelerates. Furthermore, many of the low-born foresters laboring for the house of ANUKHA KHIGA near outright rebellion toward their masters.

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1) The local farmers are purchasing all manner of charms and blessings in the market, as they fear the "terrible MOON BEAST" is soon to come as the moon reaches its fullness, hungry for their children - if not for themselves.

2) Overhearing the caravaneer KORAYIN MIR in the wine-house, MAZDAK THE GRIM learns that he anticipates "a special delivery" among the goods of the trader EBTAN, ostensibly arriving soon to sell fine tea and pottery from ZURENTH ZAN

3) The pilgrim CHUNIN laments aloud at the funeral for the death of a hero, as, he says, several ESCAPED SLAVES are in want of such a man to protect them as they await their purification at the HOLY GROVE across the river. "The irreligious UTTUNESE BOUNTY HUNTERS who will seek them, I think, would readily violate the sanctity of that blessed circle."

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1) A BRONZE CALDRON. Some white, crystalline dreg still cling to the bottom. "Applicable to many sciences," says the guy. 200 GP.


3) A SOAPSTONE CARVING OF A DOG SKULL. "Leave it under your enemy's bed. it's cursed! they won't be able to sleep!" 100 GP

* * *


1) HUTTANA, Man-at-arms. 12GP/Week

Aging, boastful. One arm.

Mace, 3 Javelins. Helmet, Greaves. AC 8.

Flint and tinder, 7 Days Rations (Peppered Figs). Hemp Rope (50 feet).

Str: 13 Dex: 10 Int: 13 Wis: 4 Con: 12 Cha: 14. HP 5

2) MINO, Man-at-arms. 12GP/Week

Cannibal, Neckbeard. Mostly naked.

Shortsword, Shortbow & 12 arrows. Loincloth, hide cape. (AC 9).

Str: 11 Dex: 13 Int: 9 Wis: 12 Con: 8 Cha: 6 HP 5

3) DHUMBAR, Porter. 6 GP/Week

Callow, underfed. Hair shaved into topknot.

Pan Pipes, Flint and tinder, 3 Flasks of lamp oil, Hemp Rope (50 feet).

Str: 12 Dex: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 9 Con: 8 Cha: 12 HP 3 HP 3


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