I, Folg, Son of Folg, being of sound mind and memory, declare this to be my last will and testament.

I, Folg, Son of Folg, being of sound mind and memory, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event of my death, most likely of violent means and caused by my own ill judgement, these are my final wishes.

I bequeath Folg, Sword of Folg to a handsome stranger who shall show up unannounced immediately after my death. Should this individual practice a sorcery most malign, it shall be instead shared collectively by my close friends and associates (hereafter referred to as "the party"). In any expedition it shall be wielded by the most skilled warrior among them, on the condition that they refer to it as "Folg, Sword of ___", the blank being filled in by their name.

I bequeath my stilts, and their accompanying pants, to any man willing to take upon themselves that noble craft.

I bequeath six of my javelins to the hermit Rinpoche. Seriously man, you can throw them when you're not casting spells. I further gift three more javelins to any sorcerer present at the time of my demise, barring the sorcerer known as Wend Wither, who won't use them anyway.

The rest of my possessions shall be split among members of the party. Mazdak the Grim, should he prove alive and well, gets first dibs upon my mask of grim and terrible visage.

And lastly, I request that all gold upon my person, and any donations to my funeral, be used in establishing an orphanage, to be named "The Sons of Folg". This institution shall admit all homeless youth either residing within the city of Gunn Lath or found by the party in their expeditions. The surnames of such charges must be legally changed to either "Son of Folg" or "Daughter of Folg".

This institution is to be run by two masters. These shall be craftsman of some useful trade or skill, the income of which can support it's operation. The children are to be taught this craft. Should the child in question show an interest in any other equally useful skill, they may be apprenticed to an appropriate tradesman of upstanding moral quality. This does not include any violent or dangerous trade, excepting sorcery. Under no circumstances is the previously mentioned Wend Wither allowed to enter this establishment.

I hereby name Mazdak the Grim as the executor of my will, or in the event of his unfortunate and tragic demise, an event possibly occurring simultaneously to my death, any character played by Robert. You shall know him by his trustworthy nature and his interest in local politics.

Beware! Should this will be disregarded in any way the violator shall be haunted by my vengeful and punning ghost.


  1. This is great. We need more PC wills.

  2. Sweet, although the Sword of Folg should (as tradition dictates) go to the next highest level fighter (which may very well be your next character, since we seem to be the only non-wizards). Let's hope this thing doesn't need to be executed anytime soon.


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