

Require INT 9, WIS 9
Hit Dice : d4 (Start with 4)
Base AC : 9
Thac0 19
Saving Throw 15 (+2 bonus vs. Spells)

Weapons wielded by magicians incur Disadvantage to damage rolls. They are not trained in the use of armor.

May cast 1 First-level spell at WiS 9;  2 as WIS 13, 3 at WIS 14
Spells are randomly assigned. Inform the DM of your INT and WIS to recieve a spell selection.
Effective Caster level is modified by INT

WIS Chance of Spell Failure (d20)
9 1-4
10 1-3
11 1-2
12 1

Spells are wasted on a roll of 1; otherwise the caster may try again. At WIS 13 or higher, a spell merely delays by its casting time on a 1.

Backgrounds: Add 1d3 to the listed stat; this bonus will not raise the stat above 17 (18 must be 'natural.')

(More Magician backgrounds to come)

1 Scholar (Int)
2 Sorcerer's Apprentice (INT)
3 Priest (WIS)*
4 Hermit (WIS)
5 Spirit Medium (CHA)
6 Charlatan (CHA)

*for the time being, re-roll results of "Priest"

Experience  Level  Hit Dice (1d4) Savings Throw (SV)** THAC0
0  1  1  15  19
2,501  2  2  14  19
5,001  3  3  13  19
10,001  4  4  12  18
20,001  5  5  11  18
40,001  6  6  10  18
80,001  7  7  9  18
160,001  8  8  8  17
310,001  9  9  7  17
460,001  10  +1hp only *  6  17
610,001  11  +2hp only *  5  16
760,001  12  +3hp only *  4  16

**+2 vs Magic


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