Prime Requisite : STR
Hit Dice : d8 (Start with 8)
Base AC : 5
ThAC0 19
Saving Throw 14

Standard ability bonuses

3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3

Backgrounds: Add 1d3 to the listed stat; this bonus will not raise the stat above 17 (18 must be 'natural.')
3 Noble Savage (CON)
4 Tribal Hunter (CON)
5 Barbarian (STR)
6 Horse Nomad (DEX)
7 Desert Nomad (CON)
8 Pirate (DEX)
9 Thief (DEX)
10 Thug (STR)
11 Soldier (Infantry) (STR)
12 Soldier (Scout) (DEX)
13 Soldier (Cavalry) (STR)
14  Scoundrel (CHA)
15 Beggar (CON)
16 Explorer (WIS)
17 Noble (CHA) 
18 Failed Sorcerer's Apprentice* (INT)

* May use magical scrolls at 1/2 level.

Exp  Level  Hit Dice (1d8) (SV)  THAC0  MB Dmg
0  1  1  14  19 
2,035  2  2  13  19  1d2
4,065  3  3  12  18 
8,125  4  4  11  17  1d3
16,251  5  5  10  16 
32,501  6  6  9  15  1d4
65,001  7  7  8  14 
120,001  8  8  7  14  1d5
240,001  9  9  6  13 
360,001  10  +2 hp *  5  12  1d6
480,001  11  +4 hp *  4  12 
600,001  12  +6 hp *  4  11  1d8


  1. MB Damage is Melee Bonus Damage?  Now that I'm 2nd level, Robard gets a +1d2 to all melee damage?

  2. that may get tinkered with in the future to clean up damage rolls


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