Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 2

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 2

Ihe the company of two new companions, the warrior SARPEDON THE SMILING (Humza K ) and the magician ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins), the charlatan PRESTIDIGITOR
(Zzarchov Kowolski  ) once again set out into the desert in search of the riches which must surely lie in the TOWER OF DUST.

Seemingly frowned upon by those obscure gods which watch over travelers, these three wandered long in the desert, though their troubles were allayed by Sarpedon befriending a strange creature of the sands, the LUMINOUS WIZARDBANE BIRD, who gave off a soft and pleasing light, though Prestidigitor feared it might bear some terrible curse.

His fears, perhaps, had some ground, for as the adventurers came into the shadow of the Tower, they were attacked by a pair of ravening TWO-HEADED DOGS the first of which brutally mauled the poor Charlatan to grisly death, leaving him time only to rue the day he met the innocent-seeming bird. Then, left alone as Orgone faded briefly into some ULTRAREAL REALM, Sarpedon bravely and singlehandedly slew the two beasts, still suffering a wicked bite that began to pain him deeply.

The two survivors took the better part of valor as the gleaming statue of a CRYSTAL GLADIATOR followed the beasts over the dune, but as they escaped into the desert, they unluckily strayed into the path of a LOCUST SWARM heading toward the floodplains around GIKHUN TAM. The quick-thinking Orgone, perhaps drawing some insight from his sojourn into the ultraworld, created a firebreak from a line of burning kerosene, allowing he and Sarpedon to shelter under their cloaks from the few insects daring to pass over the flames.

Diverging northeast to avoid the wake of the swarm, as they entered the farmlands upriver of Gikhun Tam, they had a strange meeting with a LITTLE BLUE MAN clad as an ancient warrior, but armed only with a humble bronze hoe. The little man accosted them with questions about their deeds and intents, and before fading into the rows of grain, advised Orgone that his time in the next week be spent healing the injured and aiding those whose crops were lost to the locusts. And so he and his companion did, urging the farmers to secrecy lest the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS look askance at either his powers or his charity.

As one week turned into the next, from a newly docked ship they made introductions to a new friend, the warrior URSA THE MUSTACHIOED (Zzarchov Kowolski) and began to plot their next adventure, with the heavy shadow cast over their future by the flesh around Sarpedon's dog bite beginnign to blacken and peel...


Creatures bested:
2 Two-headed Dogs
1 Swarm of Locusts (After a fashion)

Treasures recovered:

1 Luminous White Sparrow
The Feeling That Comes From Helping Those In Need

XP per player : 297 each


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