Normally the successor of a fallen adventurer may inherit 25% of the XP of the dead character.

However, 50% will be inherited if the body can be recovered and given a heroic funeral, with a value of at least 100 GP per level spent on of the deceased sacrifices, grave goods, professional mourners, orators, venal holy men, impressive incence, free food and drinks for hangers-on, et. al.

Donors will receive half the GP value contributed in XP, up to twice the minimum value.

Partial remains are considered by a case-by-case basis; burying the half of the body undevoured by the monster is acceptable, but there has to be at least enough to mock up a body with creative funeral garbing. The adventurer who unsentimentally severs the head of a corpse, prizing encumbrance slots over reverence will find no satisfaction in the rites.

Needless to say, attempting to recover donated goods after the funeral is likely to incur a terrible curse.


  1. Zzarchov Kowolski generally speaking you can rob a total stranger's grave, although dungeon items sometimes bear an a la carte curse

  2. So,  could new characters rob the tombs of old characters?

  3. i think the Eternal Companion principle that binds PCs would consider that curseworthy


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