UPKEEP COSTS, shamelessly appropriated from The Savage World of Krül.

UPKEEP COSTS, shamelessly appropriated from The Savage World of Krül.

DIVE: For the adventurer living on the cheap, they may find lodgings in a packed common room, a bed pushed up against the wall of a bar, or as a lodger in a windowless tenement room. No matter the specific locale, they can look forward to lumpy mattresses, thin stews, and leaky roofs. 

Cost: 1 gp / week Effect: The lower of two HD rolls; A small chance of an encounter with ruffians, cutthroats, and/or parasites.

STANDARD: A private room, either in a modest inn, a small apartment, or the home of a friendly local. This allows for privacy and some creature comforts. Decent food, relative safety, and, for the moment, a place to call home.

Cost: 5 gp / week. Effect : Roll HD as normal.

RELATIVE LUXURY: Succulent lamb, the sweetest palm-wine, the attention of lovely companions of the desired gender or genders - you are living as well as Gikhun Tam can offer. Rich meals, entertainment every night, and a queue of hangers-on nipping at your heels.
your door. Truly, the only way to live for the well to-do adventurer and man-about-town. Because the PCs become increasingly jaded in their tastes, the cost of luxurious living is dependent upon level. A higher class of decadence might be found in greater cities.

Cost: 10 gp x lvl / week. Effect. Take the better of two rolls for up to 2HD.


  1. Robert Parker just your stuff word-for-word with a couple mild localizations (and a luxury cap for the shabby colony town)

  2. I really like those upkeep rules so a good appropriation.


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