Funeral thread for HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME. Who's chipping in what?


  1. That's why I think only certain items be considered safe for scavenging.

    OOOOOOOOH.  I just got a baaaaad idea.


    Any mundane items on the corpse of a deceased adventurer are unavailable for use following the adventure in which that character died.  This includes any mundane weapons, armor, and fast pack items.

    Mounts, magical items, spell books, and expensive special items are available for the adventurer's fellow travelers.

    Mounts will not trust the new owners for a number of adventures equal to the dead character's level at death.  Adventures will receive a -1 penalty per dice on chase rolls and a +1 penalty per dice on all ability rolls on the mount until that period is complete.

    Magical items will take a similar period of time to "attune" to their new owner, granting a reduced effect for that time.

    Expensive special items will be noted with a "too soon penalty" to social effects for a similar period of time.

    Spell books are simply subject to research rules.

  2. now that's interesting Dennis Higgins


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