The three warriors HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME (Dennis Higgins), URSA THE MUSTACHOIED ( Zzarchov Kowolski)  , and ZHONN THE NOMAD (C Huth )  accompanied IZZARD THE WIZZARD (Zak Smith ) into the desert on his continuing quest to unlock the mysteries of the TOWER OF DUST. Along the way, they found the starving farmer JIR, whom Ursa persuaded to accompany him, promising that the beasts of the tower would prove good hunting. Jir also told them of the storyteller HAARA, who had late wandered into the desert to tell his tales to wild beasts, but the adventureres chose not to seek him out.

Reaching the tower, Ursa scaled the northwest turret, taking the sleeping BABOON SENTRIES unawares, crushing the head of one with the a stone from the ruined parapet, and slitting the throat of another while the last bolted down the stairs to alert the rest of his band. Reaching the top, Izzard toppled a pile of throwing stones onto the stairs, impeding the onrush of attacking Baboons, which were then harshly dispatched. They pressed on into the tower, igniting the barricade the beasts had constructed within, and, the lowest stair blocked, they roasted and feasted on the bodies of the fallen ones, as the survivors slipped away deeper into the main complex.

Their bellies sated, they climbed over the encircling wall and making their way through the mysterious cedar grove, once again breached the crypt, finding little resistance and taking coins buried with the ancient bodies, as well as a finely carved coffin lid. Wary of remaining in the Tower after dark, they went into the desert to camp, and hearing the howls of JACKALS, tracked the beasts to find the picked remains of PRESTIDIGITOR. Jir slew one of the jackals with a keenly thrown rock, and the adventurers gathered what was left of their erstwhile companion to return him to GIKHUN TAM for a proper funeral.

They were delayed in their return, becoming diverted in the shifting sands, and seeking water, Ursa investigated a DARK CAVE in an outcropping of rock, where though he found a spring cool water, he also found his strength, and perhaps his very blood, being sapped from him, perhaps to nourish the thick coating of moss that coated the rocks all around the water's source. Drained but stil alive, he rejoined the others to return to the city.


A Band of Baboons
Two Hungry Jackals


6 Baboon Mojo Bags - 6 GP
8 Loose Baboon Stones - .08g GP
1 Decorative Bowl - 10 GP
117 Electrum Coins - 58.5 GP
1947 Copper Coins - 19.47 GP

1 Finely Carved Coffin Lid - Worth 75 GP but counts as 150 toward Prestidigitor's funeral.

Everyone on this expedition can get free standard upkeep this week by subsisting on monkey meat and crashing in Jir's family's hovel.

Sale of the remaining Baboon meat yields another 5 GP.

Grand total - 99.05 GP



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