The Scout POLIORKETES HALF-FACE (Evan Elkins ) , in the company of IZZARD THE WIZZARD (Zak Smith ) URSA THE MUSTACHOIED (Zzarchov Kowolski) , and ZHONN THE NOMAD (C Huth)  along with the water-bearer LOR set out to once again plunder the LOST TOMB beneath a dry river bed northeast of GIKHUN TAM. Travelling upriver through the sorghum and millet fields, they met with a band of PILGRIMS who were seeking either ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins) , the GREAT BULL OF SORROW, or both. Debating whether or not to lead the pilgrims to the tomb to help recover the drowned body of the white wizard, they eventually decided it best not to confront them so abruptly with the ruined corpse of their would-be savior and turned north into the hills, outpacing the chanting, incense-waving procession.

Poliorketes had been confident of finding the tomb's entrance without the guidance of the bandit KOJATA,  but his confidence proved premature as the adventures became terribly lost among the wending dunes, barely avoiding three GIANT WASPS surrounding a human corpse. Eventually they wandered out westward into the open desert, where the keen eye of the nomad Zhonn pointed out an OLD BRASS LAMP half-buried in the sand. Poliorketes and Ursa made a mad dash for the lamp, shoving and scuffling, but the nimble scout proved the victor and frantically rubbed the side of the lamp, summoning the GENIE OF THE LAMP, who offered him three services in gratitude for his release. The Genie whisked them away on the winds to the mouth of the tomb, and they descended within, leaving an anxious Lor at the steprs.

As Izzard whirled his rope and grapple above them to fend off GREAT BLACK BATS, Poliorketes tested the the terra-cotta statue which once held a staff, find it to be hollow and began to chip away at it with his hammer. This awakened the ANCIENT SKELETAL PRIEST within who swung his great clay fists at the scout, until, with the aid of some oil spilled by Izzard, Ursa toppled the statue, pinning it down with his shield. Meanwhile, the shrieking of the bats alerted a squad of hissing SKELETAL WARRIORS from deeper within the tomb. Izzard tried to ward them off by throwing his brass lantern as their feet, but it landed upright and did not break, leaving the skeletons to advance on him. One of them then sliced the magician's arm past the bone and nearly altogether from his body. As he sank into unconsciousness  yelled "Poliorketes, the lamp!" and after a moment of confusion, Poliorketes once again summoned the genie to aid them in the battle. The genie destroyed most of the skeletons, while Ursa, having shattered Izzard's oil, dispatched the rest by shoving them from the slippery piers into the MISTY POOL below, where they, like Orgone before them, were snatched into the depths by GANGLING DEAD ARMS. Poliorketes himself dealt the final blow to the dead priest, recovering the ancient golden breastplate that it had worn. They then set out to retrieve the body of Orgone, but mere trawling proved ineffective as the throng of arms pulled relentlessly at his rope. Finally, Poliorketes resignedly invoked the Genie a final time to recover the White Wizard's corpse, and after promising the genie to cast his lamp into the sea, they returned to the surface.

As they prepared to set out home, tempers ran hot as the porter Lor refused to carry the bloated, bursting ruin that was once Orgone, and in the midst of the argument, a GIANT HUNTING SPIDER ambushed them from the surrounding dunes. Ursa first cast Izzard's severed arm to the creature, and then, as Lor tried to flee into the desert, he struck down the recalcitrant bearer with a cruel blow to his femoral artery, spilling both his buckets of water, and his blood into the sand. The spider then leapt on this juicier prize, and the adventurers beat a judicious retreat back toward civilization, along the way avoiding several unearthed graves, wary of what man, beast, or demon might have violated them.

Returned to town, Ursa announced to the gathered crowd that the great Orgone had abandoned the mortal form that he "no longer needed," and amidst the mourning, Poliorketes slipped away to cast the lamp into the sea, observed by the mysterious RED WANDERER who haunts the piers. And as the wanderer drifted away to the strains of music that permeate the air of the docks, the sun set again on Gikhun Tam.


A Swarm of Bats
One Terra-cotta Priest
Six Skeletal Warriors
One Huge Hunting Spider (After a fashion)


1 Ancient Priestly Pectoral - 750 GP
1 Genie's Lamp - Cast into the Sea

Ursa can get free standard upkeep this week from the farmers outside of town in gratitude for the return of Orgone's worldly remains.




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