Part I

Seeking a cure for the disease slowly rotting away his flesh, SARPEDON THE SMILING Humza K  , in the company of GUMRUCK THE FAT James Aulds  , HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME Dennis Higgins , KLIN-TONN THE REAVER Gus L  , and POLIORKETES HALF-FACE Evan Elkins  set out to rescue the REVEREND MOTHER of the Tahuni youth MANA, renowned for her healing skills, from the NIGHT-MEN who had abducted her and slain many of his brethen. Traveling into the desert to investigate the site of the attack,  they learned from a cagey NOMAD GUIDE with a GREEN-TINGED CAMEL (which Poliorketes feared might infect his own camel) that the Night-Men occupied an abandoned temple in the hills, and offered to guide them there for a modest fee. Taking him up on his offer, they stopped to rest in a cave in the foothills below the temple rather than approach the temple by night, only to be rudely ejected from their resting place by an irate SAND GIANT who claimed the cave - and most of the region - as his own. Learning that the giant hated the Night-Men, regarding them as "little fleas,"  they arranged to pay for their trespass by returning with Night-Men heads as trophies. 

After a tense night sleeping outside the cave, with the untrusting giant assiduously watching both them and the cave, they followed a winding trail up into the hills, defeating several CRUMBLING SKELETONS along the way, to find a pair of great bronze doors set into a tunnel cut into the stone face of a high hill under the shadow of a colossal carving of an ANCIENT GODDESS, worn away by the centuries but still suggesting its monstrous features. Avoiding a tripwire and a gated shrine in which two SKELETAL WARRIORS supported a golden disc bearing death-cult images before a pile of offerings, they penetrated deeper into the temple, past a grate stinking of decay, pilfering some ancient ritual objects, finding a room full of cisterns and a grotesquely carved column, which Klin-Tonn stopped to defile, and slaying two bands of the hissing, emaciated Night-Men before retreating back into the light.

Part II
After finding reinforcements in the form of URSA THE MUSTACHOIED Zzarchov Kowolski  , KLAU-KALAASH THE SORCERER Eric Boyd  , and ZHONN THE NOMAD C Huth   , Hasseloff and Poliorketes entered the temple again, only to fall back in the face of its defenders, who seemingly dared not emerge into the daylight, as hisses and shrieks of alarm echoed through the halls of the temple. As they debated their plan of attack, Ursa slew a jackal lurking among the rubble outside the temple, and then tracked the creature back to a cave under a shaft leading up into the temple, where more jackals picked at the bones of a dead thief. Unsure how to make the climb, the adventurers decided to make another frontal assault. Defeating the sentries in the antechamber, they set out to destroying the skeletal warriors in the treasure-shrine before being ambushed by a patrol of night-men, setting off a great alarm and setting out a desperate battle as wave after shrieking wave of the fanatical killers fell upon them, the adventurers setting off a great conflagration of burning oil and the mighty Hasselhoff falling to a true-flying javelin before the battle was won. Their comrade slain and most of their number wounded, they took the better part of valor - and the riches of the shrine - and headed back into the desert. And, through the huntinf skills of Zhonn, bringing down three prize antelopes along the way, they returned to GIKHUN TAM.



6 Crumbling Skeletons
6 Hissing Night-Men


17 Fantatical Night-Men
2 Skeletal Warriors
1 Unlucky Jackal



Brass Sceptre - 60 GP
Brass Clasp - 80 GP
Silver Fanged Mask - 200 GP
Copper Sacrificial Dagger - 20 GP



Fine Prayer Beads - 10 GP
Huge Gilded Bronze Disk - 500 GP
3,000 Copper Coins - 30 GP
Brass Ewer - 10 GP
Bronze Armband with Red Garnet - 70 GP
3 Prize Antelopes - 30 GP
Bronze Khanda - +1 TH and DMG; May have other properties (claimed by Ursa)



PART I - 192 XP each
PART II - 292 XP each


  1. I will buy a water buffalo,   and depending on its temperament its either a new pack/riding animal or a roast in honour of the great Hasslehoff who stood side by side with the great Ursa as we slew almost 50 nightmen in an ancient demon temple in the shifting dunes to the north.

  2. It is tractable enough, although not a swift mount


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