Seeking the affections of the purported witch SUNUL, the barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins), in the company of GUMRUCK THE FAT James Aulds), HAKKAR THE SEA-DOG (Mike Davison), and URSA THE MUSTACHIOED (Zzarchov Kowolski ) set out in search of ROLTO, the mysterious tailor who had stolen her fine black stallion.

Following the trail of cruel pranks and jests the tailor left in his wake, (picking up a bounty on his head along the way), they traveled southward, suspecting he may have taken the horse to be sold at market in GUNN LATTH. Following the coast to avoid the rumored encampment of the angry eldest brother of the Prince, as they reached the open savanna, they were greeted from a raised ridge by DAL-GA, a huge, genial traveler carrying a great sack across his bare shoulder. Dal-Ga suggested that the tailor might be hiding out in a ruined seaside manor to the west, and offered his tracking skills, which they accepted.

Following a likely horse-track to the ruins of the manor, they found a weathered onion-dome supported by four great statues above an overgrown courtyard, to which was attached a square stone tower faced with pink and white stone and set with great green glass windows. Leaving Dal-Ga outside to enjoy the sun, they entered the tower, finding it lushly appointed, but when the green light was blocked, torchlight alone revealed tatters and ruin. Cautiously they passed through a beaded curtain, but when it closed behind them black mist spilled in from all sides and they were plunged into darkness.

The darkness was then pierced with the appearance of Rolto, cackling and challenging them to answer hoary old riddles. Ursa countered with his own riddle, but using the pretext of this challenge, Ursa struck out at him with his enchanted blade, and the tailor disappeared shrieking in a burst of black smoke. Braving the darkness at the edge of the expanse of tiles they found themselves in the midst of, they wandered through a twisting maze of misty passages, periodically vexed by CROW-HEADED SCAVENGERS and JACKAL-HEADED WARRIORS - and by the appearances and disappearances of the riddling tailor.

Exacting surrender from one of the Crow-men, they had his guidance through the maze. He pointed out the illusory nature of much of the place - though they were left to take his word for what, precisely, was true and what was false. Eventually they found a sparkling fountain, into which Ursa cast a coin, requesting that anyone asking a riddle within the maze also supply the answer. Somehow this turned Rolto's magic on him, and to his fury he found himself answering many of his own riddles before finally shaking off the magic. But it proved to late, for on posing his ninth riddle, Ursa outwitted him with an unexpected answer that Rolto could not help but concede. The maze disappeared around them, and they found themselves again in the courtyard with Sunul's majestic horse, and the tailor flailing and weeping on the ground. They seemingly struck him dead, but his shadow fled away on its own, before Ursa ran him down with the horse and pierced the shadow's heart with his blade.

Heading home, avoiding an immense turtle laying its eggs along the way, they rested for the night in a coastal shantytown. As his companions slept, Dal-Gs casually asked to examine Ursa's excellent sword. Ursa, rightly suspicious, offered to show him the "matching set" and led him outside where his water buffalo was tied, and then vaulted onto the beast and slashed the rope as the huge hunter transformed into a fierce WERE-LION, leading Ursa on a mad chase off toward the desert to the southeast. Robard, awakened by the ruckus, pursued the beast on Sunul's fine horse (leaving the others to claim the oilskin sack he had left behind) before turning away when his blade could not pierce the beast's skin, and riding off into the night - and better yet, into the arms of the alluring Sunul.

Ursa's could, however, though it angered the lion as much as it harmed him, and he was lucky that the speed of his panicked mount eventually outstripped his pursuer's. Turning north and reaching farmland, he was then unlucky enough to pass an unearthed grave, from which rose a fiery ghost with a single immense eye, burning with hatred for the living. He leapt from his buffalo, and went crawling through the rows of sorghum stocks that came alight with spectral flame hot on his heels. He tried to take shelter in a farmer's hut, but the farmer, enraged at the intrusion, drove him out, swinging an iron pot - which spelled the farmer's doom, as he was swiftly incinerated by the burning ghost. Ursa fled in the chaos, eventually finding his buffalo drinking from a muddy ditch as if nothing was wrong in the world. Reunited, man and beast made their way through the darkness back to GIKHUN TAM.


4 Lurking Crow-Men
4 Slinking Jackalmen
1 Tenebrous Hound
1 Tricktser Tailor and His Shadow
1 Seemingly Amiable Were-Lion (After a fashion)


70 Silver Coins - 7 GP
139 Gold Coins - 139 GP

1 Magnificent Horse - 300 GP
1 Tailor Head - 100 GP
1 Big Terra Cotta Bowl - 10 GP
1 Box Decent Hashish - 15 GP
1 Silver Chalice set with Onyx Stones - 625 GP
1 Large Ornamental Brass & Gold Key - 10 GP
1 Pouch containing:
- 1 Moonstone 200 GP
- 1 Jet Stone 100 GP
- 1 Smoky Quartz Stone 50 GP
- 1 Hematite Stone 10GP
1 Oilskin Sack Containing
- 1 Fine but Battered Silver Coffee Set - 50 GP
- 25 Pounds Exceptionally Fine Coffee Beans - 250 GP
- 4 Gold Ingots, Wrapped in Bloody Silk Robe - 400 GP
- 1 Gold-Leaf Embellished Painting of Maidens & Elephant, (Masterpiece level but folded into fourths; light blood stains) - 750 GP




  1. Zzarchov Kowolski I'll trade it for your sword.

  2. pssh, I'll just use the sword to kill my own flock of sacred ibis.

  3. Wow I missed some fun by having to go


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