Research Discussion

Research Discussion

I looked at the Lab rules from Ars Magica to maybe think about how some rules from that game might be useful for researching.  The big one I think might be interesting/useful is the concept of the lab total.

Thought on research ability:
INT bonus + Level = Research Total

So a 2nd level Magician with an INT of 15 has a Research Total of 3.

This research total determines:
1.) How many spells he can teach in a period of time to a fellow mage/apprentice
2.) How quickly/well he can decipher found spells
3.) How quickly/well he can create new spells
4.) How well he can identify magic items/functions thereof

Now, each week, you can break up your research total into those four things.

1.) Each point spent in this can teach one level of spells to another magician.  The magician learning the spell pays whatever cost it takes to scribe the scroll/add it to the spell book.  NPCs teaching spells will charge accordingly as well.
2.) When a number of points equal to (or double or squared--depending on how fast you want to let it happen) the spell level is spent, the spell is able to be copied into a spell book at the rate above.  In addition, a fee of 100-1000gp per research point in materials/experiments/books/sages will be spent.
3.) Likewise, but creating a new one will probably involve some INT rolls as well and a much higher research point total and at the same cost or higher than option 2.
4.) Research points spent at the same costs as 2 & 3 will unveil one function of the magical item and how to use it.  The amount of points spent per function will vary based on power level/rarity of item.

What do you think, sirs?


  1. Will give this a closer look tomorrow with a clearer head.

  2. Interesting! Like Cole, I need to read it again when my brain has more thinking power.


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