POLIORKETES HALF-FACE (Evan Elkins) , ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins) , and JAYNOX THE MAGUS (Michael Moscrip) once again set out with the bandit KOJATA and the Amazon ZBERALE to plunder the ANCIENT TOMB in the river bed of a dried-out branch of the WHITE RIVER. Leaving Robard's horse and Poliorketes' camel in the care of the porter CHANO, they explored the colonnaded chamber in the depths of the tomb where seemingly dead but eerily preserved WOMEN OF A QUEENLY ASPECT stood still in some gesture of reverence to the east. Exploring the niches around the edge of the chamber, they discovered a total of thirteen dead, standing women, most awfully dessicated.

Suspecting some trap, they fell back to the corridor outside the chamber, and set off a line of flaming oil on the floor as a barrier, and Robard sent an arrow flying into the back of the nearest figure. As they feared, it turned hissing toward him, as did the two in line behind it, but they recoiled from the flames and cowered behind the columns. This was only brief respite. Hearing first the grinding of stone them a guttural chanting,  they soon faced a huge, bloated UNDEAD PRINCE, his mouth twisted in a terrible grin, wearing a GOLDEN MASK and swinging a great gold-and-amber mace. 

This huge foe showed no fear of the flames, and assailed them relentlessly even as his elephantine feet burned and blistered within the flames, and as he continued to chant - sporadically lulling some of the adventurers into a morbid fascination, more and more of his dead brides thronged behing him, reaching and snarling. As if by some miracle, they managed to defeat the great prince nearly unscathed, but as his body tumbled into the flames, his brides began to crawl over him like a bridge, the first of them viciously tearing the unlucky Zberale to pieces. After a fierce battle, all but the last of the brides fell to sword or fire, but not before the bite of the last Bride sent Robard reeling into a terrible bliss, and he nearly met the same fate as his Amazon squire had not Kojata buried his sword into the back of the slavering creature.

After quickly looting the prince's tomb-chamber, they made back for town, staying the night in a farmer's barn, where the curious Jaynox donned the prince's mask, which could not then be removed from his face. Resigned to make the best of his new accoutrement, he accompanied his friends back to GIKHUN TAM.


Five Deathly Brides
Eight Dessicated Brides
One Undead Prince

1 Goggling  Golden Mask (Cursed, "Claimed" by Jaynox)
1 Amber & Gold Mace 2000GP
1 Amber & Gold Pectoral 1000GP
2 Blocks Ancient Incense 500GP
2 Brass Censers 500GP

Grand Total 4000GP

XP Per Character -1636- 1666 XP Each


  1. "Well, I'm leaving it on. I've decided."
    [rolls over and tries desperately to remove it for about 10 seconds]

  2. Robard will definitely make a show of polishing it for Jaynox when the libations are flowing.


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