As GUMRUCK THE FAT (James Aulds) , MERLYN THE CORSAIR (Michael Moscrip) , and ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins) were drinking in the wine-house, they were approached by a nervous farmer, KER, seeking friends of the late ORGONE THE WHITE. He asked an oath of secrecy, but the superstitious hunter Gumruck declared that his people did not swear oaths so likely, and the wary farmer slipped away into the night. Curious, Robard tracked him back to his farm, where the farmer admitted that he was hiding away the naked mystic SENEKH, who had been recently secreted out of the dungeon of the IMPERIAL GOVERNOR. They hatched a plot to hide the mystic in a barrel and sail him out of town on the boat of the fisherman CHAM, and turn him over to the protection of the Prince of GUNN LATTH, reputed to be a pious man.

Passing through rain and fog, and narrowly avoiding an IMPERIAL WARSHIP, they landed on the peninsula rather than risk sailing through the bay infested with the pirates of XUZZEL TENA, planning to hide the mystic away in the SEASIDE VILLA that once held the SHADOW MAZE. Weary from the overland trip, they stopped to eat and rest inside the villa's courtyard, where they were ambushed by the vengeful DAL GA THE WERE-LION. Robard, already wounded from the beast's fierce claws, quickly untethered his swift horse and pulled Senekh onto horseback with him, planning to take the mystic to safety before returning for his companions, but too late, for - despite the circle of flaming oil Merlyn created around himself and Gumruck, they were mercilessly slaughtered by the werelion. Hearing their screams fall silent, Robard retrieved the mystic and set out for Gunn Latth.

After an uneasy night's rest, and the kindness of a traveling band of traders, he arrived at a wine-house in Gunn Latth where he met JAYNOX THE MAGUS (Michael Moscrip) and his bodyguard SULOMONDI THE VULTURE (James Aulds). The Magus (despite having no standing there) offered to present Robard's case at the palace, and in the morning, though they gave Jaynox no regard, welcomed Senekh into the palace, where they were brought before the aged PRINCE GANDUNA, who took the mystic under his protection, and perfunctorily rewarded Robard with a few trinkets from his treasury. He and his companions ate richly, though in the servant's quarters, and headed back northward, driving away a pack of hyenas along the way, and winning out in a confrontation with several pirates, allowing two of them to leave with their lives - at the cost of the treasure they were burying. And so, battered but richer, they returned to GIKHUN TAM.


8 Craven Hyenas
5 Unlucky Pirates


1 Fine Tapestry, depicting an ascetic meditating at hilltop shrine. - 500 GP
1 Silver and Jade Cloak Pin, depicting a Griffon's head - 200 GP
150 Gold Coins - 150 GP
1 Gold Ring depicting a snake swallowing its tail, with two tiny rubies for eyes - 150 GP
20 Pounds Fine Blue Linen w/ gilded embroidery - 50 GP

Grand Total - 1050 GP

XP to Robard - 482 XP
Experience to Gumruck, Merlyn  - 233 XP
Experience to Jaynox, Sulomondi - 248 XP


  1. But if we kill it we can use its impenetrable skin as armour!

  2. (Impenetrability of armour untested)

  3. well its skin is certainly doing better than ours


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