After watching from the roof of the wine-house as the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS battled and slew the sorcerer GBURUN, who, it seems, was attempting to sabotage the construction of the new bridge across the WHITE RIVER, and eager to loot the remaining portion of the ANCIENT TOMB, the HERMIT RINPOCHE C Huth, DUBOVAI THE QUICK Robert Parker, ROBARD THE THIRD Dennis Higgins, SULOMONDI THE VULTURE James Aulds, AND URSA THE MUSTACHIOED Zzarchov Kowolski  set off to the east, taking the porter CHANO and the bandit KOJATA as their guide.

Reaching the dunes in which the tomb lay after an uneventful trip upriver, Robard sighted the shadow of GREAT WASPS on the horizon, and the party quickly descended into the tomb. Exploring the region west of the north platform of the tomb's central shaft, they baited out a unit of SKELETON WARRIORS and SKELETON ARCHERS and defeated then with fire, spell, and sword. Unfortunately, as victory drew near, so did the invisible GHOSTS OF GREYHOUNDS that leapt onto poor KOJATA, who was badly mauled and nearly pulled into the pit of GANGLING ARMS. However, Rinpoche used his command over MYSTIC BOLTS OF FOG to render the deathly hounds visible, and their guide was rescued.

They carried the wounded Kojata to the entrance of the tomb, but nipping at their heels was another band of ghostly hounds, whose baying also summoned several ZOMBIE WARRIORS. Taking a defensive position behind a barricade of the spinning and weaving implements in the antechamber, they defeated the undead foes.

Leaving Kojata to rest with their ported, they pressed deeped into the west, finding a chamber where a SKELETON PRIEST was frantically attempting to burn scrolls from a rack of liturgy. Robard rushed to tackle him, as the quick-thinking Ursa cast a skeleton's breastplate atop the burning brazier to prevent any further destruction, as Dubovai beat out the flames of the scrolls already burning.

The priest defeated and most of the scrolls rescued, after a heated argument whether to explore any further chambers, they chose discretion and, after a night's rest in peasant barn, they returned to GIKHUN TAM, where Dubovai, still regretting that no gold was looted from the tomb, signed on with the crew of the pirate JAKK LEKK on Ursa's voucher.


6 Skeleton Warriors
4 Skeleton Archers
6 Greyhound Ghosts
3 Zombie Warriors
1 Skeleton Priest


1 Magical Scroll encoding Drowsy Insect (1st), ESP (2nd)
1 Magical Scroll encoding Still Water (1st), Animate Water (2nd)
1 Map leading to a site in Hex 1302
Corpus of Liturgical Scrolls to XÂHAZ - Uzzaris Chol will buy these for 500 GP, or can be kept for research

XP per Character : 410


  1. I'm holding out for investment into winehouse rules or I'd spot you...

  2. So in theory,  we could use them and 500gp to learn a new spell, then sell them for 500gp to recoup the loss?


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