Thinking the ultimate depths of the ANCIENT TOMB were near to being completely plumbed, THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, DUBOVAI THE QUICK, URSA THE MUSTACHIOED, and ROBARD THE THIRD set out eastward, bringing with them the bandit KOJATA, the sellswords HIYARI and YEGAN, and the porter CHANO. Passing a merchant train from ZURENTH ZAN, Ursa cut a deal to sell the fine hashish looted from the wreck of JURA FAR's pirate ship, asking them to sell it in their home city to as not to flood the market in GIKHUN TAM. Having done this, they had an uneventful journey to the tomb.

First casting ASHAR's chained box, baked into clay, into the water of the central shaft,  where it was quickly pulled under by UNDEAD HANDS, they delved deeper into the unusually still tomb. Exploring its southernmost reaches, they found a COLUMNAR FOUNTAIN chanelling fresh clear water from some subterranean spring beneath the floor of the tomb - and a great aquamarine gem hidden among the fountain's stones. Then, testing the opposite door, Robard heard the buzzing of MANY BEES.Filling a bucket with wine and oil to drowsy the bees - and drown some of them, they set a trap inside the chamber, and, the bees mostly overcome, they discovered the chamber had another channel from the underground spring over which was suspended a rich FUNEREAL BARGE. On the banks of the channel were tangles of lush, HONEY-COLORED FLOWERS, seeming to grow from a narrow crack in the western wall into which the channel flowed, and the northern wall of the chamber, decorated with a mural of a funeral procession, was largely covered with the hives of the bees. Poliorketes and Robard took to looting the barge, and were nearly overcome by a burst of soporific pollen from the flowers. Thinking the way safe after this, the party combined their strength to begin hauling the entire barge from the chamber. Dubovai, overcome by curiosity, returned to probe the crack in the wall, to little effect, and then tried to take a cutting from the plant, which burst again with pollen, casting him into slumber. Robard retrieved him, but as he did so, an EERIE WIND extinguished their light, and, wary of being attacked in the precarious extraction of the barge, the party decided to abandon it, taking the funeral goods from its deck, and detaching its gilded roof. Warning away some CURIOUS NOMADS, they returned home without incident.

Back in the wine-house, Poliorketes made inquiries about the tomb's ancient language from the pirate WUL, while Dubovai and Rinpoche consulted with the intinerant shrine-tender SINA HEN about the nature of the GREAT BULL OF SORROW. Learning a few purifications and stances, the thief and the hermit decided to sail south to GUNN LATTH to seek out the wild-eyed mystic SENEKH so as to weave hairs of his holy beard into a rope to tame the Great Bull. Sailing with the pirate JAKK LEKK, they discoursed fruitfully with the holy man, and received the gift of his beard-locks. They came close to paying dearly for the venture however, as Jakk Lekk's ship was overtaken by an IMPERIAL PATROL SHIP, and the pirates' stolen and contraband cargo might have been discovered had not Dubovai concocted a ruse wherein Rinpoche affected a thrashing visionary trance, his prayer rug cleverly occluding the ship's secret cargo chamber. Wary of disturbing the hermit's trance, the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS sent them on their way, and they returned to port, Dubovai heading to his chambers to purify for his coming task, and Rinpoche to the barren sands to seek a vision.


A Swarm of Bees
Eight suspicious Imperials


Five Hundred Gold Coins in bounty from Ashar - 500 GP
Great Aquamarine Gem - 1000 GP
Funeral Barge Roof, leafed in gold - 500 GP
Various Rich Funereal Accoutrements - 1000 GP
A Cutting from the Soporific Plant

Grand Total - 3000 GP

XP Per Player - 733 Each (Poliorketes, Robard, Ursa); 888 Each (Dubovai, Rinpoche)


  1. which choice is the wiser of the two?

  2. I'm pretty sure closing it would mean less bees in the rest of the dungeon.

  3. not closing the door is certainly the less polite option


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