cole long  may i please have spells, and if i read it right i can cast 3 a day?


  1. cast 3/day. pick 4 from this list


    2.1 MARCH TOUCH 1 1HR / LV



    4.1 EMOTION READ 5YDS / LV 3




    WSC II 299


    WSC I 55
    7.1 CONTROL VAPOR 10YDS / LV 1 1



    9.1 MAGIC DISK 20YDS 1 1 TURN 1



    1.1 Sanctuary (Abjuration)
    Sphere: Protection
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
    Casting Time: 4
    Area of Effect: Creature touched
    Saving Throw: None
    When the priest casts a sanctuary spell,
    any opponent attempting to strike or other-
    wise directly attack the protected creature
    must roll a saving throw vs. spell. If the sav-
    ing throw is successful, the opponent can
    attack normally and is unaffected by that
    casting of the spell. If the saving throw is
    failed, the opponent loses track of and total-
    ly ignores the warded creature for the dura-
    tion of the spell. Those not attempting to
    attack the subject remain unaffected. Note
    that this spell does not prevent the opera-
    tion of area attacks (fireball, ice storm,
    etc.). While protected by this spell, the sub-
    ject cannot take direct offensive action with-
    out breaking the spell, but may use
    non-attack spells or otherwise act in any
    way that does not violate the prohibition
    against offensive action. This allows a
    warded priest to heal wounds, for example,
    or to bless, perform an augury, chant, cast a
    light in the area (not upon an opponentl),
    and so on.

    2.1 March (Apportation)

    Level: 1
    Components: V, S, M
    Range: Touch
    Casting Time : 1
    Duration: 1 hour/lvl
    Saving Throw: None
    Area of Effect: Special

    Casting this spell allows an encumbered person to

    walk at his normal unencumbered movement rate.

    Because the movement is powered by the spell, the

    person suffers no more fatigue than he would

    sitting in a chair for the same length of time.

    This spell must be cast on a subject able to

    walk; thus the subject must be able to lift his

    burden in the first place. The spell is

    dissipated when the target stops walking for more

    than one round or picks up more than his maximum

    encumbrance. More than one person can be

    affected; the duration is divided evenly

    among those touched when the spell is cast.

    3.1 Blessed Watchfulness
    Sphere: Guardian

    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S
    Duration: 4 hrs. + 1 hr./level
    Casting Time: 4
    Area of Effect: Creature touched
    Saving Throw: None

    By casting this spell, the priest confers

    exceptional powers of observation and alertness

    to one creature for the duration of the spell.

    While blessed watchfulness is in effect, the

    designated sentinel remains alert, awake and

    vigilant for the duration of the spell. In fact,

    it takes a roll of 1 to surprise someone under

    this effect. He resists sleep spells and similar

  2. magic as if he were 4 levels or Hit Dice higher

    than his actual level and gains a +2 bonus to

    saving throws against other spells or effects

    that could lower his guard or force him to

    abandon his watch, including charm, beguiling,

    fear, emotion, and similar mind-affecting spells.

    If the effect normally allows no saving throw,

    the watcher gains no special benefit

    4.1 Sphere: Thought
    Range: 5 yards/level
    Components: V, S, M
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Casting Time: 3
    Area of Effect: One creature
    Saving Throw: Negates

    This spell allows the priest to perform

    an instantaneous reading of a single subject's

    emotional state. It can be used on any subject

    possessing Intelligence of 3 or better. This

    reading is neither deep nor specific and cannot

    pick out mixed emotions or intricate details. For

    example, it might tell the priest that the

    subject is fearful, but the spell cannot reveal

    what the subject is afraid of or why he is

    Emotion read does not reveal individual

    thoughts or the subject's motivation. Thus, the

    spell might reveal that the subject is coldly

    unemotional at the moment, but not the fact that

    the subject is contemplating the cold-blooded

    murder of the priest.
    Note that this reading is instantaneous.

    It reveals only the emotion that is strongest at

    the instant the spell is used. While this will

    usually be related to the subject's overall

    emotional state, it is always possible that the

    subject might be distracted for a moment or

    remember and respond to past events.
    The subject is allowed a normal saving

    throw vs. spells to resist this spell. If the

    saving throw is successful, the priest receives

    no reading at all. If the subject's roll exceeds

    the necessary number by six or more, the priest

    perceives an emotion diametrically opposite to

    the subject's true emotion.


    Elemental Burst (Conjuration)
    Range 60 yards Components: V, S Duration:

    Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10

    yard diameter Saving Throw: Special
    Upon uttering a twisted phrase of great potency,

    the caster indicates the target point within the

    range of the spell. The target point must be an

    item composed of 1 of 4 elements -
    fire, water, stone, or air. The element then

    releases the magical energy within it in a sudden

    burst. Stone items throw off sharp slivers in all

    directions out to the radius of the spell.
    All within the area of effect must make a

    successful Dodge save or suffer 1d8 points of

    damage. The damage is halved if the saving throw

    is made. Fire shoots off glowing sparks,
    causing 1d4 points of damage & a successful Magic

    save results in no damage. The sparks have a 5%

    chance of igniting flammable objects in the area

    of effect. Water pushes out
    in a strong wave, knocking down all that fail to

    successfully roll a save vs. Magic (boats &

    vessels are unaffected by this wave). An air

    burst creates a concussive wave, stunning
    all in the area of effect for 1-2 rounds unless a

    successful Magic save is made. In no case does

    the spell noticeably affect the structure of the

    target item.

    6.1 Armor (Conjuration)
    Range: Touch
    Components: V, S, M
    Duration: Special
    Casting Time: 1 round
    Area of Effect: 1 creature
    Saving Throw: None


  3. By means of this spell, the wizard creates
    a magical field of force that serves as if it
    were scale mail armor (AC 6). The spell has
    no effect on a person already armored or a
    creature with Annor Class 6 or better. It is
    not cumulative with the shield spell, but it is
    cumulative with Dexterity and, in the case
    of fighter/mages, with the shield bonus.
    The armor spell does not hinder movement,
    adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it
    prevent spellcasting. It lasts until success-
    fully dispelled or until the wearer sustains
    cumulative damage totaling greater than 8
    points +1 per level of the caster. (It is im-
    portant to note that the armor does not ab-
    sorb this damage. The armor merely grants
    an AC of 6: the wearer still suffers full dam-
    age from any successful attacks.) Thus, the
    wearer might suffer 8 points from an attack,
    then several minutes later sustain an addi-
    tional 1 point of damage. Unless the spell
    were cast by a wizard of 2nd level or higher,
    it would be dispelled at this time. Until it is
    dispelled, the amor spell grants the wearer
    full benefits of the Armor Class gained.

    7.1 Control Vapor

    Level 1
    Range 10 yds/level
    Duration 1 turn
    Area 30' sphere
    Save special

    This spell can be cast in two ways : to control

    the movement of some amount of gas or vapor or to

    create an area free of gas and vapor. the first

    option allows the caster to control the movements

    of a quantity of gas or vapor, directing the

    cloud to move anywhere within the area of effect

    at a movement rate of 60'. Caster can move and

    engage in combat, but not cast spells, while

    controlling the vapor.

    Alternately, the caster can create a stationary

    bubble of vapor-fre air up to 30' in diameter.

    Natural and magical vapors and gaseous creatures

    must save or be pushed away and cannot enter the

    protected area. If this casting is used, the

    caster is free to carry out other actions.

    8.1 Soothe the Beast
    Level : 1
    Range : Touch
    Components : V, S
    Casting Time : I rd .
    Duration : Instantaneous
    Area of Effect : 1 animal
    Saving Throw : None

    Soothe the beast affects only domesticated
    animals or those already friendly toward the
    caster, of common, giant, or minimal variety .
    Once cast, the spell makes the animal feel con-
    tent, well fed, calm, and ready for sleep . These
    feelings overcome any adversity due to food
    shortage, inhospitable climate or environment,
    frightening situations, and so on .

    However, while the creature may feel well
    fed, this spell does not replace the need for
    food . Even under this enchantment, an animal is
    subject to starvation and its physical effects .
    Soothe the beast only allows the animal to
    remain blissfully unaware of the condition

    9.1 Magic Disk

    Level: 1
    Range: 20 yds.
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting Time: 1
    Duration: 1 turn
    Area of Effect: 1 creature per rd.
    Saving Throw: None
    This spell conjures a glowing disk of magi-
    cal energy about a foot in diameter. The witch
    can throw the disk at opponents once per
    round. The device confers a +3 bonus to attack
    rolls and can affect creatures struck only by
    magical weapons. The disc can be hurled at an
    opponent fleeing around a corner and it will
    follow, but this reduces the attack bonus to

    A hit inflicts 1 point of damage upon the

    creature. After each throw, the disk returns to

  4. the witch’s hand, ready for the next round.
    Instead of throwing the disk multiple times,
    the witch may instead choose to expend all the
    disk’s energy in a single hit. In this event, the
    magic disk inflicts Id6 points of damage, plus
    1 point per level to a maximum of ld6 + 10.
    The witch can specify normal or subdual dam-
    age (the latter is 25% real and 75%

    If the witch misses, the disk returns and can be
    thrown each round, until a hit is scored or the
    duration runs out.


    Animate Wood
    Level: 1
    Range: Touch
    Duration: 1 turn
    Area of Effect: Special
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting rime: 1 round
    Saving Throw: Special

    By means of this spell, the wu jen is able to

    cause wooden items to move and bend. It has its

    greatest effect when cast upon living plants,

    although it can be used on all types of wooden

    items. When cast, the spell gives the wood

    suppleness and motion, possibly allowing the item

    to move, grasp, entangle, etc. However, this

    movement is slow and somewhat stiff and thus

    animated objects always strike last in combat

    situations. The spell does not change the form of

    the item. An arrow is still a single shaft,

    although it can wriggle and move like a snake.

    Likewise, it does not give fixed items the

    ability to move about. Thus, a tree cannot be

    animated to walk since it is rooted in one spot.

    However, animated items can be ordered to attack

    as a 0 level human and causing damage comparable

    to a weapon of the same size and type. An arrow

    could strike like a snake causing damage as an

    arrow, while a tree branch can club and thrash,

    causing damage as a club. The DM must determine

    the exact range of damage possible for the

    animated item. Also, the item has an armor class

    from 10 to 5, based on the size, solidity, and

    maneuverability of the object. An animated stand

    of bamboo would have an armor class of 10 because

    it does not move and is easily cut. A cypress

    tree could easily have an armor class of 5

    because it is quite large and difficult to

    damage. Furthermore, the item possesses hit

    points (0 hit points indicates the item has been

    chopped into pieces). As a guideline, each object

    possesses 1d10 hit points for every 10 feet of

    height or square yard of area. A spear shaft has

    1d10 points while an arrow has 1 or 2 at most. A

    tall tree has 100 to 200 hit points if it is

    quite massive. The amount of material that can be

    animated depends on if it is living or not. A

    single plant of living wood (five feet tall or

    less) can be animated for every level of the

    caster. For non-living wood, a piece roughly the

    size of two arrows can be animated for every

    level of the caster. If the material is magical

    (an arrow + 1), a saving throw vs. spell is

    allowed. If successful, the animation attempt has

    been resisted.


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