Hey DOCTOR MALACHITE (Evan Elkins), wanna be part of a seditious plot?

Hey DOCTOR MALACHITE (Evan Elkins), wanna be part of a seditious plot?

We need someone to charm person one of the household servants of PRINCE SARUN, military leader of GUNN LATTH and brother to our ally the impotent and nearly-dead PRINCE GANDUNA. The goal is to find out whether there is any truth to the rumor that he is plotting against his brother.

That way we can formulate a plan for when the prince eventually dies due to murder or tripping into a doorknob or having an aneurysm during a bowel movement or some other old man death. Or we can insinuate ourselves into SARUN's good graces such that he doesn't feed us to dogs to consolidate his power base after his brother's fast-approaching death.

cc: Robert Parker


  1. oh, it's SARUN, not SARUNA. And GUNN LATTH.

  2. DOCTOR MALACHITE asserts that, as a medical professional, he knows little of this sort of flimm-flammery; however, if you were to bring in the servant for a medical examination, perhaps there is a tonic or set of sacred phrases which might have the desired effect...


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