Accepting the invitation of the Imperial major domo XOCAR RUKSH, a squadron of IMPERIAL SOLDIERS escorted DUBOVAI the QUICK, ROBARD THE THIRD, and the nomad COLD MOUNTAIN to the palace of the Imperial Governor KIR KARIK SAYIN. Joining a great feast, they waited patiently as the governor was briefed on various matters of state, making note of the various guests (including a seemingly displeased PRINCE JIDDAL) and wary of the large numbers of armed men. After the major domo dismissed most of the guests, leaving only the Govenor, the Prince, and the most hardened-looking killers of the bunch, the governor insisted that the GREAT BULL OF SORROW be brought to him on the morrow to be shipped off as a gift to the WESTERN EMPRESS, with Dubovai giving his public blessing to this act. They readily agreed, and after the governor indicated that he could likely make further use of them, they were dismissed and, though Dubovai hoped to catch a glimpse of the legendary beauty of the princess KOYOƋ, instead they were quickly hustled out into the night.

Meeting atop the roof of the wine-house with THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, JAYNOX THE MAGUS, and SULOMONDI THE VULTURE, they immediately hatched a conspiracy to smuggle the Great Bulll out of GIKHUN TAM and deliver it to GUNN LATTH. Drawing the newly-arrived sorcerer WEND-WITHER into their seditious plot, after much deliberation, they arranged for the labor boss KUNEM to ready a boat to carry the beast, and to spread rumors that the empire meant to sacrifice the Bull. With Sulomondi and Cold Mountain staging a false robbery to lead some of the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS away in a wild chase and Dubovai distracting the others with a seemingly drunken display of swordsmanship, Robard led the away from the wine-house, but as the Pilgrims who had come to see the great bull began to riot in the streets, another Imperial patro caught sight of them, and so Robard and Dubovai rode furiously to their escape, the bull barreling behind them.

Coming tantalizingly close to the ship that would bear them away, the two riders were closed in on by a team of IMPERIAL HORSEMEN. A brutal blow knocked Dubovai from his horse, and he was trampled in the chaos, his heart pierced by a broken rib. Robard too seemed in mortal danger, but the Great Bull, infuriated by the death of his friend Dubovai, called down lightning and thunder, destroying many of the Imperials, while Robard's deadly blade slew the rest. Getting the Bull on board the ship, he joined the rest of his companions south of the ferry, and they rode through the night to Gunn Latth, avoiding wild beasts and declining to investigate several mysteries. And so, turning over the bull to the pious, aged, PRINCE GANDUNA, they were rewarded for their bravery with gifts from the treasury and lodging in the guard's barracks.


Five Imperial Soldiers
Eight Imperial Horsemen


Various Loose Coins - 135 GP
Pink Soapstone Statue of a Noblewoman. Very old and in fine condition - 1500 GP
150 lbs of Pomegranates of great sweetness - 75 GP
Decorative Chest of 2,500 Silver Coins - 300 GP
Great Bull of Sorrow - "Still Beyond Price"


XP Per Player - 511 XP Each


  1. It should be noted that those PCs involved in this adventure are presumably less than welcome in GIKHUN TAM for the moment.

  2. thats a heavy chest says the VULTURE

  3. Pomegranates! Oh sweet pomegranates! This is why Ganduna is the best Prince.


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