Seeking the TREE OF GOLDEN PEARS to appease the GREAT BULL OF SORROW, the Sorcerer WEND WITHER, along with ROBARD THE THIRD, MAZDAK THE GRIM, and THE HERMIT RINPOCHE set out from GUNN LATTH. Taking a ferry south over the PEARL RIVER, they crossed into the domain of the Warlord HUNAL CHENA, whose men Robard had previously conversed with during the SOLDIERS' FESTIVAL. Seeing Hunal Chena's fortress looming against the backdrop of the jungle to the southeast, they decided to travel upriver through the savannah. Avoiding several gigantic RIVER BEETLES emerging from the water, they continued northward until their progress was interrupted by a great expanse of swamp. Opting to ford the river at a slow and shallow point, they crossed north and, noticing the trail of several horses on the far shore, followed the tracks inland, finding a loose row of skulls mounted on stakes. Suspecting they had come upon the terrain of the fierce Warlord IBOSA, they turned away and continued upriver. Along the way they encountered a DEAD WARRIOR still mounted on an idly grazing WAR RHINOCEROS. Aided by Wend Wither's sorcery, Mazdak attempted to tame the beast, but was rebuffed, and settled for deftly cutting the warrior's purse strings and after Robard snatched the warrior's lance from his dead grip, Rinpoche conjured fearful seemings to frighten the beast away.

Further on, they met farmers cultivating rice in paddies along the riverbanks. The farmers directed them onward to the Swamp Town of RIN LOTU, where , after striking a deal for future passage with the smuggler WRESI, they sought an audience with the town's lord, SABAN N'ARTRA. Narrowly avoiding a bout of fisticuffs between Rinpoche and one of the lord's boastful, aggressive guards, they adjourned to a boathouse to drink with some of the locals while they awaited a message from their leader. At the boathouse, they heard rumors of CURSED RUINS deep within the swamp, and of a MOUNTAIN CITY far upriver whose inhabitants carried a sinister reputation. Wend Wither and Mazdak also learned that prominent in the town was WRASANGOG, the priest of the CROCODILE-GOD ARUSOKT. The lord's men eventually returned with a message that their master would offer a rich bounty for the head of Ibosa, but warned that his men were numerous and fearsome, being drinkers of DEAD-WINE that made them fearless in battle.

Heading back downriver, they made haste through Ibosa's lands and came upon a MYSTERIOUS LAKE where a SURLY WARRIOR was fishing for sone unknown prize. After many harsh words between the two parties, Wend Wither conjured a wave of thunder into the water, agitating some HUGE UNKNOWN SHAPE between the surface of the lake. The warrior made haste for the shore and cursed them for their meddling. Planning to return in the future, they headed south and crossed the river again, seeking the Golden Pear Tree. Becoming quite lost as night fell on the savannah, they made camp among a stand of trees when their rest was interrupted by the approach of a SHAMBLING CONGERIES OF INSECTS in a hulking, crudely insectlike shape. They attempted to lure it away with thrown rocks and the jangling of chains, but it seemed more interested in their fire, or perhaps, in themselves. Swords seemes of little avail against the thing, as its constituent vermin briefly dispersed, only to crawl and fly back together, but a combination of Rinpoche's hurled flame and Wend Wither's thunder magic finally drove away those of the insects they could not kill. Nor could they rest easy after the battle, as the great sound of thunder attracted the attention of a BLACK ONE-HORNED HORSE, cloven-hooved and savage eyed. Mazdak was sorely tempted to try to tame the beast, but thought better of it, and, perhaps disdainful of his caution, bolted off into the night.

On the morning, they continued to search for the tree, instead coming upon an ancient stone path, which they followed to the vine-covered wall of an idyllic-seeming, yet somehow ominous PASTORAL ESTATE. Judging it likely to be the residence of a powerful wizard, and thinking they were not near their goal, they headed off northward, eventually finding a mist-shrouded plain where they met the hermit XAN, who told them they were indeed near the tree, and warned them of the fierce GUARDIAN BEAST that laired at its root. Devising a plan where Wend Wither would attach the CRAWLING DEAD HANDS which he commanded to the end of ropes, and then Robard and Mazdak would rush in on their horse and camel, tossing the ropes into the branches of the trees and letting the hands grab the pears. Riding into the mist, they saw the beast, huge, both leonine and canine, well-armored in a coat of golden scales. It roared fearfully, shaking Mazdak to his bones with fear, and nearly panicing Wend Wither's horse, but the hands caught true. The beast leapt for Mazdak's camel, slaying it with its great claws and teeth, but Mazdak leapt to safety at the last moment, the magic of his sword LIONFUCKER steadying his fall and landing him on his feet. He deftly leapt into Robard's saddle as Rinpoche gathered the trailing ropes and, two of the precious Golden Pears in hand, they fled from the lone tree and its guardian, and made their way back to Gunn Latth as evening fell.


A RHINOCEROS STEED (After a fashion.)


Various Coins - 100 GP
A Fine Gilded Lance - 150 GP
A Green Glass Spindle (Seemingly Magical)
Two Golden Pears (One given to the Holy Man SENEKH)

Grand Total - 250 GP

XP Per Character -606- 687 XP


  1. C Huth With his 18 Wisdom, THE HERMIT RINPOCHE can at 3rd level cast 4 1st level spells and 3 2nd level spells

  2. if you wanna just chow down on the pear i'm cool with that


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