So, what kind of outstanding priorities do we have? As best as I can tell, it's:

So, what kind of outstanding priorities do we have? As best as I can tell, it's:

1.) Kill that fucking were-lion.
2.) Not get killed by Imperial Assassins
3.) Exploit the Tower of the Dust
4.) Find new dungeons to exploit.

I think it's best we lay off the Temple of the Nightmen for the time being as that brings us a little closer to Ghikun Tam than I am comfortable with.

We can also explore up the river from Gunn Lath and see what that brings us.


  1. I think a good exploration session is in order. Also finding a new wine house. Still establish base at the old tricksters dome

  2. The Hermet Rinpoche must admit a certain curiosity concerning what lies upriver from Gunn Lath

  3. Agreed. Also, the lion acts as a natural deterrent from getting invaded by Imperials.

    Still want to kill it though.

  4. When we return to the VILLA OF DAL-GA, we need to see if we can find Gumruck and Merlyn's bodies anywhere.

    Is it too late to have a funeral for them, cole long?


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