Folg Son of Folg's Downtime:

Folg Son of Folg's Downtime:

I am 100% spending this week learning to walk on stilts. Which I have purchased.

Speaking of purchasing, what will the following goods set me back cole long?

Jar of Ghee
7 Large Bags
Long Metal Ladle
5 Soap Bars
Metal Stakes & Hammer

I'm also on the lookout for a war dog. Which probably isn't a sound investment, seeing as hirelings are cheaper and I don't cry when they die.


  1. War Dogs are probably tougher than hirelings.

  2. I am speaking with spirits about what the magic items are and seeing if i can find a snake charmer to train me

  3. Maxime Golubchik
    Rope 2 GP (2 items) or Silk Rope 15gp (1 item)
    Caltrops 3GP (1 item)
    1lb. Jar of Ghee 1GP (1 item)
    7 Large Bags 21 SP (add up to 1 item)
    Long Metal Ladle 1GP (1 item)
    1lb. of soap 1GP (1 item)
    Small Hammer 2gp (1 item)
    Iron Spikes 1gp/12 (1 item)

    Stilts - 5 GP. (4 items total) The stilts boost FOLG up by about 5 feet. He can walk on reasonably flat surfaces without rolling anything. He can't really fight on the stilts.

    Dog. 30 GP. AC 7 HP 6 ThAC0 19 DMG 1d4 MV 15 SV 14 ML 10

  4. James Aulds 
    Which item do you want to look and what is your INT?

    And what do you mean to accomplish when you say "snake charming?"

  5. i have a sudden intrest in the charming and handeling of poisionous snakes

    int is 12 and ball of wire on chain

  6. What do you want to be able to do, though?

    The amulet remains a riddle to JUKKAR.

  7. Like, do you want to just be able to sit in front of the basket and have the snake sway?

  8. yes but im aslo interested in how to get the snake into that trance like state

  9. the snake is drowsy from having been in the basket, etc. you can learn it as a performance but it won't help you if a hostile snake is in the dungeon

  10. Which would be more effective in greasing the floor and tripping fools: soaping it up or smearing it with Ghee?

    Did we keep Robard's Lance? What's up with that?

    Yeah, that dog is going to die and I will cry. Plus it's weaker than most hirelings.

  11. looks like robard kept the lance

  12. I posted his stuff to the chat. If it wasn't claimed it's on the funeral pyre.

  13. The thing about "war dogs" I always figured is that if you want more then say 1 (with max HD equal to your own) you likely need to specialize in animal handling, otherwise you might just be a snack that 6 3HD "Plated Quick Hounds" bring along for kicks.

  14. Can I get a war dog with max HD equal to mine? That would be fantastic.

    I would totally be a crazy dog man if I could.

  15. dogs have however many HD they have; they don't 'level up'
    the dogs used mostly in the pearl river valley have 1+1 HD. stronger dogs may appear from time to time as special items

  16. cole long Sorry for butting in with dog rules from a setting where there are many a fantastical devil bred dog.


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