Robert Parker Dennis Higgins

Robert Parker Dennis Higgins 

Notable mercantile concernts in GUNN LATTH

1. Merchant house of ANUKHA KHIGA.

Lumber and forest products. Rare wood. Precious metal. Brewing.

Clannish. Provincial. Rumored to be seething with internal conflict.

2. Merchant house of AHEMBA SENO.

Stone masonry. Steel smelting. Religious accoutrements.

Ostentatious and self-serious. Schemers.

2. Merchant house of NAKHINO.

Furs, hides, other animal products. Fine cloth. Perfumes.

Proud, loyalistic. Don't cut their hair. In mourning for the long-standing house patriarch.

Bandit clans threatening the PEARL RIVER VALLEY

1. RED VULTURES. Red sashes, yellow face paint. Opportunistic, stealthy. Ascendant.

2. LION MEN. Lion masks, hide capes, otherwise naked. Leave no survivors. Disintegrating since the death of their leader DAL-GA THE WERELION.

3. LOCUST EATERS. Undyed robes, flagellation scars. Cultish, live in the desert. Said to shun civilization completely.

4. BLACK BAND. Cloth masks, tattoos. Petty. Hold close to the river.

5. DEMON SONS. Shaved heads. Admit no women. Fiercely anti-imperial.


  1. Robert Parker except for the fact that they're huge dicks who stole from us

  2. we'd also have to rehabilitate them politically


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