In days of torrential rain, the warrior MAZDAK THE GRIM and the sorcerer NILT-SIAR set out from RIN LOTU with their companion, the cannibal MINO on the river boat of the smuggler WRESI. Upon arriving in GUNN LATTH, the docks were busy with the news that a squadron of IMPERIAL SHIPS had landed at UTTUN and that the Governor KIR KARIK SAYIN'S forces had breached Uttun's walls. Soon, they met with the Royal Physician AUNAR NUN, who requested that they look out for spies among the fortresses of the warlords near Gunn Latth.

Enlisting the services of the one-armed warrior HUTTANA and the porter DHUMBAR, they headed to a LONELY TREE on the savannah in which a mysterious HOLY MAN was trapped, supposedly by a sorcerer's curse. Allowing the holy man to ride on Dhumbar's shoulders, they learned he was uncannily weighty, slowing their progress as they set out for ZURENTH ZAN, where the holy man claimed to have business with the prince ZUR ZAYUM JAA. As they traveled north, planning to cross into GIKHUN TAM and then follow the road along the WHITE RIVER to ZURENTH ZAN, they were ambushed among a stand of crops by a band of NIGHT-MEN, who brutally cut down DHUMBAR and MINO before several were burned to death by ball of flame conjured by the holy man. After Mazdak cut down two of the survivors, avenging Mino, Nilt-Siar enchanted the last of the night-men to regard them as friends. After learning some of the secrets of the Night-Men's bizarre religious practices, they crossed into the city, where they enlisted the warriors HIYARI and YEGAN, and the porter CHANO to bear the holy man, who had begun to sorely test Mazdak's patience with his constant recriminations and demands for strong drink.

Traveling upriver, they encountered an elderly BLIND MAN bearing a great scroll for which they sought a reader. Declining to read the scroll, they nonetheless agreed to accompany him into the city. At the gates, the Holy Man used some mysterious means of persuasion to allow him and the adventures to be borne into the throne room of the prince, who regarded them with open contempt. Persuaded by Mazdak, he grudgingly allowed the holy man to offer his blessing, but abruptly recoiled in anger, and then the holy man in reaction transformed into a hideous MAN-EATING DEMON, bristling with arms and faces. Mazdak rushed to the Prince's defence, as did the prince's son, KAJ KEZARAYIS, as their hirelings and many of the prince's guard fled in terror, while the old priest UR-SHONA-KORA shuffled away the prince's wife within a circle of protective magic. Seemingly unable to harm the demon, Nilt-Siar used his magic to ensorcel Kaj Kezaryis and hustle him away from the battle to the PALACE OF BLACK NIGHT, where he said he would be safe. They returned as quickly as possible to the scene of the fray to find once again the holy man from the tree, standing in a pool of blood which was the only remaining sign of the elder prince. After asking of the recalcitrant holy man the favor of dispatching the Governor in Gikhun Tam, they watched him depart and went to retrieve the young prince, who thanked him for bringing him to safety but warned them that they must leave the city with all haste.

Heading weast, they passed a trail into an EERIE GROVE along the riverside, but pressed onward into Gikhun Tam, which was in chaos as they learned the holy man had talked his way into the palace, and bloodily slain the Imperial Major Domo XOCAR RUKSH, who had been acting as governor while Kir Karik Sayin was on campaign in Uttun. Making haste before anyone might connect them to the events at the palace, they crossed the river south, avoiding a pride of lions tearing at the body of a wild bull, and being caught in a rainstorm on the savannah, took shelter in the lonely hut of ASUNDA, an aged woman and her handsome, silent young companion MERU. Little trusting their hosts, they refused to eat from the pungent stew cooking in the hut, and declined to engage Meru at a boardgame match. Feigning sleep that night, Mazdak saw that Meru stayed up late in the night, merely watching them sleep. Mazdak tried to strike up a conversation, and was met with another silent challenge to the board game. Seeing no good to come from this household, they head out in the darkness of the night, and thought to make camp on the rainy savannah. Dissuaded by the seemingly sourceless echo of heavy, menacing breathing echoing through the night, they pressed on, exhausted, through the night and rain, until they found the Holy Man's abandoned tree, in whose boughs Mazdak hoped to rest. Scarce had he even shut his eyes when his companion awoke him. "Lions can climb trees, can't they?" said the Sorceror Nilt-Siar. And so they mounted up Mazdak's horse and made all haste to Gunn Latth.


A MAN-EATING SPIRIT (After a fashion)
A PRINCE OF ZURENTH ZAN (After a fashion)


A Few Loose Coins - 34 GP




  1. Robert Parker not unreasonable, not so gloriously attired though

  2. Also, given how much he fronted, Robert Parker gets all the GP for this session.


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