Seeking to follow up on the rumors of ANCIENT RUINS deep in the swamp south of the town of RIN LOTU, the Sorcerer WEND WITHER, MAZDAK THE GRIM, FOLG SON OF FOLG, ONUDILE THE HORSEMAN, JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED, and THE HERMIT RINPOCHE set out from GUNN LATTH, their hireling MINO in tow. Reaching Rin Lotu, Folg defeater the swamp boatman EZO in a bout of fisticuffs, and having won his respect, enlisted him and his brother-in-law BIK to take them to the ruins in boats. Avoiding the gaze of several HYPNOTIC FROGS, they reached a small island in the swamps, on which sat the cracked husk of an ANCIENT MARBLE TEMPLE, elaborately carved with crocodile motifs. Dragging their boats ashore, they investigated the rotten hull of an older boat, under which there were hidden several large jars, and near the misty steps leading up in the temple, the found a seemingly human skeleton overgrown with weeds.

Ascending into the forward courtyards of the temple, they found a GREAT FOUNTAIN featuring a statue of a POINTY-HEADED MAN ASTRIDE A CROCODILE. The figure, on whose hand a stone hawk perched, closely resembled the Rin Lotuans' description of the CROCODILE-GOD ARUSOKT. The keen-eyed mazdak noted a LURKING CROCODILE just beneath the fountains water. Tossing it a fish, they pressed forward, and in the second corridor they saw an ENORMOUS ORANGE FLOWER growing near a broken double door that depicting the saem pointy-headed face. They filled the bloom with arrows, and, after its wild thrashing sprayed the area with a gluey nectar, it slumped to the ground. Waiting for the glue to harden, they entered the temple proper. The great hall of the temple was lined with JADE STATUES with the same strange head shape, and in its center was an obelisk in the form of a GIANT CROCODILE TOOTH. Water pooled all about, and Mazdak noted by that several areas of the floor were corroded bronze grates covered with rotted rice mats. As they were investigating the grates, and ELDERLY MONK, as pointy-headed as the statues, moved into the light of their torches. Jukkar tossed an enchanted coin at him, hitting him in the face and sending him moaning into the darkness.

While Folg tinkered with the grate, an EVEN OLDER MONK accosted them. They chose to parlay with him, and he claimed to be at least a century ago, having once lived in Gunn Latth before being brought by his father to tend the temple, and to serve the crocodile god. He apologized for the behavior of his junior monk, saying that he was merely simple-minded. Distrustful, the adventurers asked him many questions, offered him food, and tried to persuade him to leave the temple, all of which requests he deflected. Thinking that perhaps he could work to restore the temple by enlisting the Rin Lotuans to do labor there, he brought Ezo, now woefully drunk, to the edge of the temple to converse with him, but the swamper was fiercely resitant. As night was beginning to fall, though wary, the accepted the monks' invitiation to spend their night in the old dormitory where their brothers once lived when the temple was in its heyday. While Onudile fussed with an old kaleidoscope he found in the corner of the dormitory - one whose images had a difficult to place, unnerving quality - Mazdak and Rinpoche went creeping through the temple.

As they explored, they encountered the mighty pirate ZANG, himself come to explore the temple on a separate boat. Entering the bedroom of the subordinate monk, they found him playing with a large gem, and as Mazdak went up to strike him, he began babbling nonsensically, his strange talk seeming to worm its way into their heads, and he sprang at them with teeth and claws suddenly, horribly, long and sharp. Zang 's weapons seemed unable to harm the monk, and Mazdak struggled to land a blow, so Rinpoche dashed off to retrieve Onudile, who snatched up Folg's mystical EXECUTIONER'S SWORD, while WEND WITHER worked to rouse their companions. Rushing to the battle, he slashed again and again and with a mighty blow, knocked him to the ground where DARK SCARABS crawled from the shadows over him, and where the sword had struck, bare bloodless ribs showed through the tattered robes. Evetually defeating the monstrous monk, they gathered up the items from his table, and from the neighboring bedroom - both damp and rotting.

Exploring futher, they found a stone bathing chamber in which a pale shape floated just beneath the surface of one of the baths. They spiked the door to this chamber and moved on into a banquet hall, where there was displayed a MARBLE RELIEF OF A CANNIBAL FEAST and with bronze grates in the floor below which could be heard the bellowing of crocodiles. They then explored a kitchen and as they were extracting a jar of salt, Zang was attacked by a HUNGRY CROCODILE. He smashed the jar over the beast, and Onudile flanked it and together it was slain. Moving upstairs into a mezzanine with motifs of rulership and a great iron throne, they slew three huge, ALMOST MANLIKE LEECHES, one of whom clung to Rinpoche even in death until he shriveled up its jaws with the spilled salt. After Zang pried a great gem from the throne, they headed toward the far wing of the temple. The next chamber they explored held a TWISTED IRON ALTAR flanked by braziers which burst into an eerie green flame as they opened the door. Three bells hung over the altar and a stained offering bowl sat atop it, and behind it stood a rusted iron statue of the same crocodile-riding figure. Rinpoche noticed a DARK MOVING SHAPE behind the statue, also dark and rusted in color, and they withdrew. Wend Wither sent an UNDEAD CRAWLING HAND to retrieve the contents of the bowl, but something, perhaps the dark shape, caught and destroyed it. Also spiking this door shut, they moved to the next room.

This chamber held what seemed to be an alchemical laboratory, with curious equipment lining the shelves and tables. In the far corner, atop a round dais, was drawn a MAGICAL CIRCLE in pale green lines. In the center of the circle was a dark pile of loamy earth. Wend Wither addressed the loam, and from it emerged a CROCODILE SKULL and short limbs bearign stony claws, and a crest of stony spines. The SPIRIT IN THE CIRCLE responded in a low growling voice, claiming to be an unnamed servitor of the Crocodile God. Though Zang objected fiercely to trucking with this seemingly malevolent force Wend Wither and Rinpoche negotiated its release that it would then return whence it came, doing them no harm, and witness to the people of Rin Lotu that they had aided a servant of the deity. It also promised to bring them gems from beneath the earth. After collecting the most likely contents of the shelves, they left the temple, thinking to build rafts with which to float out the jade statues from the main hall. After Zang was attacked by a MANLIKE SHAPE RISING OUT OF THE MUD, and Rinpoche incurred a painful bite from a VENOMOUS BEETLE inside one of the jars on the shore, they decided it would be best to leave this place and bring rafts from town.

Returning to Rin Lotu, the Spirit from the magic circle emerged on the shore, pointed to them, and said that it was a servant of the crocodile got and had aided them. Several townsfolk rushed to retrieve the HIGH PRIEST WRASANGOG, his bald head itself showing the slightest hit of a point, borne on a litter, leading a crocodile on a leash. They grudgingly paid him a tribute, and he healed Rinpoche of his wounds. And so they rested, planning their next venture.


AN EARTHY SPIRIT (After a fashion)


Unnerving Kaleidoscope -100 GP
Box containing -
- Petalite Crystal - 10GP
- Smoky Quartz Crystal - 50GP
Gold Statuette of Woman on Crocodile - 100 GP
Two Sealed Clay Vials (Magical, one given to WRASANGOG)
Water Opal Gem - 500 GP
Large Jar of Salt - 10GP
Chrysoberyl Gem - 500 GP
Assorted Laboratory Equipment - 100 GP
Bronze Pot with Pendulum & Bronze Balls Inside - 250 GP
Pouch of Greasy Green Chalk - 50 GP
Two Green Mist-Filled Crystals - (Magical)
Black Quill in Glass Case - (Magical)
Sealed Silver Box - (Magical)
Large Black Slug in Jar of Blue Fluid
Two Jars of Dried Blue Lotus - 200GP Each (1 Given to WRASANGOG)
Uncut Fluorite Gem - 5 GP
Uncut Sphene Gem - 50 GP


- ZANG - 768 XP


  1. y'all can do whatever you want w/the treasure but Zang's XP gotta stay w/ Zang

  2. Paul V. Keep your treasure, just in case you do come back one of these days.


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