organized geographically, derived from News and Session Report threads

Alternatively in google document form:


A'SAN ANUM, Bookseller; Suspected Imperial agent.

AATIFA, porter. Diminutive fishwife. Suspicious air.

AKAMU, Wealthy merchant, rumored to be a sorcerer. Erstwhile patron of SIDDANA.

AREL, A farmer living not far from the Mysterious Lake northeast of Gunn Latth

AUNAR NUN, Court Physician

AUNIKK ANH GANIKK, Wealthy merchant. Missing a son.

AYIRA UB KAR, Princely Widow of ZUR ZAYUM JAA of Zurenth Zan

BADDA, drunkard. Frequents the docks.

BARUNNIN, Uttunese prince, half-brother of the late Prince RAKKRO. Ally of the house of ANUKHA KHIGA

BAUN, Apprentice of VOKK RINUAH. Plump orphan. coughs.

CHASAN, woman-at-arms. Young huntress. Eye patch. Deceased.

CHATTA, gravetender of the royal cemetery.

CHUNIN, Pilgrim.

DHUMBAR, porter. Callow underfed. Hair shaved into topknot. Deceased.

EBTAN, Trader along the route to Zurenth Zan.

GAKHIMBANAN, Younger brother of KARUMAKKA. Deceased.

GANAH IND INA, outcast scion of the house of ANUKHA KHIGA

Prince GANDUNA, Aged prince of Gunn Latth

GORA, Elderly nurse to YEKA and YEMLA

GUNO, man-at-arms. Large and muscular. Sweaty, desperate. Deceased.

HANNO, Captain of the Palace Guard

HYAN, One of the women who bathe along the Pearl River. Wistful, daydreamer type, about 18, with a spattering of dark freckles.

IÚRILA, Amazon. Formidable-looking.

JANGAL and JIBH, retainers of HUNAL CHENA.

JANGANO, right hand man of PRINCE SARUN. Said to have the gift of second sight. Husband of SAIKKURA.

JIDO, Man-at-arms (Cavalry). Vain. Shining white teeth. Over-friendly. Deceased. Horse claimed by FOLG SON OF FOLG.

KAINAKK, Man-at-arms. Lantern-jawed, ill-tempered. Serpent tattoos. For Hire.

KARUMAKKA, Warrior Noble. Feuding with HUNAL CHENA's men.

KORAYIN MIR, Imperial importer and caravaneer.

KORUL, Scarred face, tongue cut out. Shifty. For Hire.

KUTNENA KHENA, Warrior-noble. Father of KARUMAKKA. Deceased.

LATTH SIGG DHAUN, Anti-imperial holy man. Imprisoned.

MINO, man-at-arms. Cannibal. Neckbeard. Mostly naked. Deceased.

NAR BARBANDENA BIRDA, restless ghost of a tyrant king.

NHON, man-at-arms. Uttunese. Haughty. Deceased.

PUNGA, Warrior. Mohawk haircut, on-edge demeanor. Unwashed.

R'BAN, Man-at-arms. Simple-minded. Dented skull. Carries severed head. Deceased.

SAIKKURA, warrior-woman. Daughter of HUNAL CHENA, wife of JANGANO.

SAINO, Petty-Sorceress. for hire

SARO, Porter. Heavy-browed, wiry woman. Uttunese helot. For Hire.

Prince SARUN, Commander of Gunn Latth Military. brother of Prince GANDUNA

SENEKH, Wild-eyed naked mystic. Foretold the GREAT BULL OF SORROW.

SUAGIN, wise-woman. Provides herbs and draughts to prince GANDUNA.

TAW, Berserker. loyal to IBOSA

THUSA, long-dead warrior princess. Daughter of NAR BARBANDENA BIRDA.

TUNH DUNA CHHAN, Merchant. His daughter is missing.

UNUTTA DIN, trader rival of KORAYIN MIR. Missing a caravan.

YALUN, daughter of KARUMAKKA. Takes after her father.

YEKA and YEMLA, Young Princesses of Zurenth Zan



ASHAR, Sleepless-looking man. Wanted a chained box buried.

ATULA, Amazon in service to UZZARIS CHOL.

BAS FES, Art collector.Unrightfully holds cult objects of NYAYARU DJOT.

CHAM, Captain of a fishing boat. Helped smuggle SENEKH out of Gikhun Tam.

CHANO, porter. Strong good looking. Smells of alcohol. for hire.

DAMLAR, Nobleman. Paid a bounty on the head of ROLTO THE TAILOR.

DARI, Camel-tender.

EMAASHAN GILBAR SHAREL, Imperial Dignitary. Deceased.

A FISHERMAN, Plying the harbor of Gikhun Tam.

GARUN, Torchbearer. Beheaded by a skeleton. Deceased.

GBURUN, petty sorceror. Darkly handsome, air of refinement. Bridge saboteur. Deceased.

HIYARI, woman-at-arms Scarred,at least 50, limps. Built like a brick shithouse though.

HUTTANA, man-at-arms. Aging, boastful. One arm. For hire.

JAKK LEKK, Pirate subordinate to JURA FAR.

Prince JIDDAL, Acting Governor of Gikhun Tam Brother of Prince GANDUNA of Gunn Latth

JIR, Farmer hit hard by the famine.

JURA FAR, Pirate captain. Subordinate to QELLAL MRRULQ.

KAREEL, Man-at-arms. Strong, quick. Unflattering mustachios. Seemed bored. Deceased.

KER, Farmer. Hid the mystic SENEKH in his house.

KHARNA SAN, local princeling fallen on hard times. heir to the DEATH-HOUSE OF NYAYARU DJOT.

KIR KARIK SAYIN, Imperial Governor

KOJATA, Bandit. Wiry, gap-toothed.

KOSFAN MUR, former captain in the Imperial army.

Princess KOYOË, daughter of Governor KIR KARIK SAYIN, wife of PRINCE JIDDAL. Legendary for her beauty.

KUNEM, Labor leader. Commands a supernatural servitor.

LIL, Wealthy, independent landowner. Raises spiral-horned goats.

LOR, Water-bearer. Devoured by spider. Deceased.

MANA, Tahuni youth. Set out alone to rescue his REVERND MOTHER.

The RED WANDERER, warrior.Thousand-yard stare. Red.

ROLTO THE TAILOR, Notorious trickster. Prorprietor of the Shadow Maze in the Ruined Villa. Deceased.

A SHEPHERD, Compelled by sorcery to drive his flock to the Tower of Dust. Deceased.

SIDDANA, Expensive doxy. Indifferent companion of AKAMU.

SINA HEN, Itinerant shrine-tender. Smokes hand-rolleds.

SUNUL, Jade-eyed beauty. Reputed witch.

UZZARIS CHOL, Necromancer, employs AMAZONS.

WUL, Pirate. Speaks language related to the Ancient Tomb.

XOCAR RUKSH, Major-domo to KIR KARIK SAYIN. Deceased.

YEGAN, man-at-arms. Strapping, wears rags. Ugly as sin but somehow has a certain swagger

ZBERALE, Amazon-at-arms. 12 GP/Week. Strong, attentive, glory-seeker. Good with horses. Deceased.


BIK, Swamper. Brother-in-law of EZO

EZO, Swamper. Brother-in-law of BIK

The HERON GIRL, About 13. Regal. Speaks an unknown language.


WRASANGOG, priest of the Crocodile-God ARUSOKT

WRESI, Smuggler and boatman


JAHAL AT JAMLOYO, Imperial Governor of Uttun.

RAKKRO, Prince of Uttun. Deceased.


Prince KAJ KEZARAYIS, prince of Zurenth Zan

Princess KARINI, wife of Prince KAJ KEZARAYIS

UR-SHONA-KORA, elderly priest. Fingernails grown out into claws. One blue eye.

ZUR ZAYUM JAA, Erstwhile Prince of Zurenth Zan. Deceased. Devoured by the HOLY MAN of the LONELY TREE.

In Other Locations

AGA, Servant girl at HUNAL CHENA's fortress.

ASUNDA, aged holder of a savanna hut with her companion MERU.

DAL-GA, Were-lion. Occupied the Ruined Villa. Erstwhile master of MINO. Deceased.

An ELDER MONK, at the Swamp Temple. Very old. Pointy head.

GANIR, bandit one of the Red Vultures.

HAARA, Storyteller. Speaks to wild beasts.

The HOLY MAN of the LONELY TREE, Likes liquor. Also a MAN-EATING SPIRIT.

HUNAL CHENA, Warlord allied with Gunn Latth. Father of SAIKKURA.

HUR XWEH-TA, ancient warlord. Gravesite unknown.

IDANCHET, Sand giant. Hates NIGHT-MEN.

INGAKK, blind man. bears large scroll.

JITAM, One of ZAGUR's raiders. Deceased.

KARAJUNG, Priest at HUNAL CHENA's fortress.

KAZOKOL, Quartermaster to HUNAL CHENA. Suborned by A'SAN ANUM for the Western Empire. Deceased.

KURA, One of HUNAL CHENA's captains.

A LITTLE BLUE MAN, Dressed as an ancient warrior wielding a hoe. Lives among crops

MERU, handsome companion of ASUNDA

MUNPAR NOT EB DJARAM, Undead prince of the Ancient Tomb. Deceased.


A NOMAD GUIDE, owner of a Green-Tinged Camel. Tattooed.

QELLAL MRRULQ, Pirate king. Reputed sorceror.

The REVEREND MOTHER, Tahuni tribal leader. Captured by the NIGHT-MEN.

A SURLY WARRIOR, fishing on a mysterious lake.

The VEILED MANTISSA, Priestess at the Shrine of Singing Winds.

A WIZARD, living in a PASTORAL ESTATE near the coast

XAN, elderly hermit living near the Tree of the Golden Pears

A YOUNGER MONK, at the Swamp Temple. Also old. Pointy head. Babbled. Deceased.

ZAGUR, Jungle warlord. Rival of HUNAL CHENA.

ZUHAB, Three-armed jungle hermit.

Known Only In Legend

HASMADED, Noble Imperial warrior featured in The Adventures of Hasmaded

MUADANNAN, Featured in The Story of Muadannan and the Lions

Notable mercantile concerns in GUNN LATTH

Merchant house of ANUKHA KHIGA.
Lumber and forest products. Rare wood. Precious metal. Brewing.
Clannish. Provincial. Rumored to be seething with internal conflict.

Merchant house of AHEMBA SENO.
Stone masonry. Steel smelting. Religious accoutrements.
Ostentatious and self-serious. Schemers.

Merchant house of NAKHINO.
Furs, hides, other animal products. Fine cloth. Perfumes.
Proud, loyalistic. Don't cut their hair. In mourning for the long-standing house patriarch.

Bandit clans threatening the PEARL RIVER VALLEY

BLACK BAND. Cloth masks, tattoos. Petty. Hold close to the river.

DEMON SONS. Shaved heads. Admit no women. Fiercely anti-imperial.

LION MEN. Lion masks, hide capes, otherwise naked. Leave no survivors. Disintegrating since the death of their leader DAL-GA THE WERELION.

LOCUST EATERS. Undyed robes, flagellation scars. Cultish, live in the desert. Said to shun civilization completely.

RED VULTURES. Red sashes, yellow face paint. Opportunistic, stealthy. Ascendant.


  1. My thinking was that he is dead but not deceased, as his physical (and possibly psycho-spiritual) being continues to be an active concern to us.


  2. also some NPC Groups

    Notable mercantile concernts in GUNN LATTH

    1. Merchant house of ANUKHA KHIGA.

    Lumber and forest products. Rare wood. Precious metal. Brewing.

    Clannish. Provincial. Rumored to be seething with internal conflict.

    2. Merchant house of AHEMBA SENO.

    Stone masonry. Steel smelting. Religious accoutrements.

    Ostentatious and self-serious. Schemers.

    2. Merchant house of NAKHINO.

    Furs, hides, other animal products. Fine cloth. Perfumes.

    Proud, loyalistic. Don't cut their hair. In mourning for the long-standing house patriarch.

    Bandit clans threatening the PEARL RIVER VALLEY

    1. RED VULTURES. Red sashes, yellow face paint. Opportunistic, stealthy. Ascendant.

    2. LION MEN. Lion masks, hide capes, otherwise naked. Leave no survivors. Disintegrating since the death of their leader DAL-GA THE WERELION.

    3. LOCUST EATERS. Undyed robes, flagellation scars. Cultish, live in the desert. Said to shun civilization completely.

    4. BLACK BAND. Cloth masks, tattoos. Petty. Hold close to the river.

    5. DEMON SONS. Shaved heads. Admit no women. Fiercely anti-imperial.

  3. I'm probably not going to be able to provide many NPC pictures, but this picture of AKAMU is too perfect not to share :


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