Down Time Thread!

Down Time Thread!

Since apparently that was a thing I could have been doing all along, I have visited the young princesses for the last three weeks, training them in that most noble of arts, stabbing things until they die. I would also like to petition to see the mighty Prince Ganduna on this matter.

Having learned a slew of useful skills, I now move on to practicing vocal impressions. I'm also looking for a chemist, skilled in the making of fireworks. If I can actually find him I try to get myself apprenticed.

Oh, and have I been paid for any of my three weeks of militia duty? Is that even a thing that happens or is it just for room and board?


  1. You can visit the girls, but you can't have both done guard duty and trained them in swordplay.

    AUNAR NUN is willing to let you see Prince GANDUNA with the girls under his supervision. We'll handle that at the top of the next session you're in.

    Do you want to spend the coming week working on mimicry? You have enough time logged at the palace that you can take a week off to work with the ventriloquist. No lead on fireworks in Gunn Latth.

    You've managed to net 6 GP more on top of your upkeep.

  2. Sweet. I'll take the week off for training them and working on mimicry.

    Can I find any chemist period? The fireworks are important to me (because Gandalf) but I can start small.

  3. Fireworks aren't in currency in this region, you'd probably have to wait for some weird outlander to show up


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