Desiring to extend their map of the course of the PEARL RIVER, the warriors MAZDAK THE GRIM, FOLG SON OF FOLG, and ONUDILE THE HORSEMAN, in the company of the sorcerers NILT-SIAR and THOGGOS, along with THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, set out on the boats of the smuggler WRESI and his associate. After spending the night in RIN LOTU, they boated through the swamp when Mazdak noted a submerged path cutting through the vegetation. Disembarking to investigate, they found a BLACK OBELISK in the midst of a dark pool surrounded by an earthen wall. When Mazdak tried to dredge the pool, he was assaulted by WATERY SERPENTS that formed out of the pool. Unsure of how to harm the liquid forms, they retreated, and on the way back along the path, Mazdak befriended a MANGY CAT swimming through the swamp. Loudly disavowing any claim to the creature, he nonetheless tucked it into his pack.

Leaving the boats as the hills began to slope upward, they climbed up to a rocky outcropping and decided to rest the night so as to survey the terrain around them in the morning. Their rest was interrupted by eerily sweet singing which ensorceled Folg and, soon thereafter, Rinpoche. As Nilt-Siar and Thoggos restrained the hermit, Onudile shot arrows into the night as Mazdak feigned his own enchantment, climbing uphil to see four STRANGELY WOMAN-LIKE BIRDS, two circling, one biting and clawing at an impassive Folg. As one swooped down, Mazdak struck out with his sword, causing another to flee, while a true arrow from Onudile sent yet another screeching into the night. Having caused a rout, the two warriors maked short work of the rest, and Nilt-Siar tended to Folg's wounds. On the morning, after taking a sighting from the end of the outcropping, Mazdak followed the trail of blood and feathers to a lonely, stinking cave, where the surviving creatures slept among bones and filth. Stealthily, he and folg cut their throats, and recovered several gems from a pile of human and animal skulls stacked into a crude altar.

Descending into the jungle, Mazdak suprised a band of BERSERK WARRIORS, and led them back to his fellows, where Nilt-Siar spellbound the rearmost of them as Rinpoche swallowed the rest of them up with a cloud of choking smoke, leaving his companions to fell them with arrows as they emerged. Interrogating their charmed captive, TAW, they learned he was part of a scouting party for the warlord IBOSA, seeking a mysterious THREE-STATUE SHRINE somewhere in the jungle, and the hoard of SWAMP-GLASS said to be stockpiled by the hermit there. They also learned of a nosy scholar who had tried to pay a visit to Ibosa before being turned away, whose description Rinpoche recognized as that of the bookseller A'SAN ANUM. Mazdak and Nilt-Siar plotted to use Taw as an infiltrator against his master, and taking him in tow, they pressed further into the jungle. During their next night's rest, Folg heard the shuffling of many footsteps, and alerting his comrades, they hid among the brush and trees to observe a gang of ZOMBIES, wounds - and mouths - stiched shut, slowly marching through the jungle. Moving stealthily, the adventurers followed them through the night and day, crossing two branches of the river, and noting trails of shimering slime and the bellows of apes. Finally, the trail of the zombies led them to the Three-Statue Shrine that Taw had sought.

Between the circle of 20' tall, vaguely insect-like statues was a crude bamboo enclosure, and, as Folg observed as he clambered up a tree, a lone hut. From the hut emerged a THREE-ARMED MAN in tattered garments, who silently regarded the zombies and left them to encircle the shrine as a guard. The adventures debated attacking him when he emerged, but Rinpoche elected instead to approach from another direction as a humble mendicant, and was indeed welcomed into the shrine. The three-armed an introduced himself as the hermit ZUHAB, and hed him into the hut, which also housed a GREAT FOUR-ARMED SKELETAL FIGURE as well as several DARK BLOATED FORMS lurking in the rafters above. Inviting Rinpoche to sit, he offered him a piping-hot bowl of frog-and-root stew and conversed with him on matters eremitical, as well as showing him a piece of sharp, intensely green swamp-glass. Rinpoche also inquired about poisonous substances of the jungle, and Zuhab not only instructed him on how to recognize a GREEN SHELF-FUNGUS of great toxicity, but also offered him a dried pouch of the stuff. Not wanting to overstay his welcome, Rinpoche parted ways with the other hermit, learning that sometimes the zombies of the jungle could be avoided under the aegis of his name. On their long journey home, they had need of this knowledge, avoiding a conflict with another squad of zombies. Meeting again with Wresi and his boat at Rin Lotu, they returned to GUNN LATTH to plot with the Royal Physician AUNAR NUN to strike agains the rapacious Ibosa.




One Swimming Swamp Cat
Obsidian Stone - 10 GP
Lapis Stone - 10 GP
Rodochrosite Stone -10 GP
Moss Agate Gem - 500 GP
Small Ruby Gem - 2000 GP
Hill Harpy Corpse - 75 GP from VOKK RINUAH
Pouch of Dried Mushrooms

GRAND TOTAL -2530- 2605 GP



  1. Do you know when you guys are planning to send TAW back to IBOSA's fortress?

  2. I think that depends partially on turnout; plus, I am pretty sure that we want to have a solid plan going forward. I'd anticipate a couple weeks at least.

  3. Ok. You might want to set up a thread to discuss the specific plan amongst all you conspirators and lay it out in specific. Remember, TAW is pretty stupid, though supernaturally loyal to NILT-SIAR.


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