TO THE MEMBERS OF OUR WIZARDLY ASSOCIATION and others of suitably occult inclination, I present my report on the particulars regarding the current situation of the so-called “Swamp Princess”, as investigated by myself over the past weeks.

She is called the “Heron Girl” in her dialect, currently known to us only as "River Speak". My skill in this language is still fairly rudimentary, but I have used my time to establish a few basics, described below.

She is more priestess than princess, though accepting that label unequivocally would also be inaccurate. During her time, she dwelled within the cave in which we found her, and while there she sang, until such a time that the elders determined she must be placed in the water, without warning. These elders were also not priests as we would understand, but the connotations of the acts were religious.

Their tribe was dedicated to a force I will call the MČS-principle. You may or may not consider it a deity, according to the strictures of your custom. There are important qualitative distinctions to be made between her idea of an essential animate heron-force and the way we as West Imperials and Eastern post-Imperials would frame an individuated ardeamorphic divinity, or certain known barbarians would a transmundane progenitor to a lineage of men, or others a periodic avio-riparian manifestation of the broader universality, but such distinctions are of purely esoteric interest and those mystically-challenged among us need not concern themselves.

Through correspondence, others of our wizardly coterie have confirmed that the temple in Gunn Latth recognizes no deity of suitable thematic proximity, but the edifice presented there does retain traces of relevant imagery which associate the MČS-principle's subentities with creative and solar aspects, both of which are confirmed by the Heron Girl to be qualities of interest to the MČS-principle. She also thinks it might be good for fishing, which though a bit on the nose I have heard repeated, as if in psychic echo of bygone philosophies, by the fishers of Rin Lotu.

She identifies her ethnos as “River People”, separate and distinct from those of the “Evil City” perceived to exist beyond the river. The Swamp Temple is a likely partial persistence of this archetype, given its coincidence in 2 of the 4 broadly accepted sublunary vectors, the distortion of which is minimal at short distances, and its lower levels may provide access to the remnants of this antediluvian form, however degraded by generations of reimaging.

She also informs that in her time the mannish umwelt reigned both downriver and out into the dry, but that upriver existed only belligerent, child-stealing halfmen. This condition appears also to have eroded in the current era, as most she has interacted with since emergence seem to her nigh unto halfmen themselves. We might assume this bias will grow further uneven as we venture upriver.

The river in question is likely ancestor to the Pearl, though its temporospatial continuity is questionable, especially given the doom that the RSWN/RSKT-principle brought down on the Evil City, introducing discontinuity into the entire region.

All of which supports the inference that the MČS-principle at least in some sense opposes the RSWN/RSKT-principle, arrived at from early avocalic evidence in our initial encounter. This is a matter to be treated with delicacy, considering our current position in the region.

We are working to identify sites of ingress into the aforementioned under-realms, that we might seek the riches of the Evil City surely abandoned within. The first step toward this will be the production by Heron Girl of a regional map, as suggested by our Hermit. I should be somewhat dubious though of any spatial information gleaned therefrom due to suspected incompatibilities in our respective psychogeographies. It is unknown whether she is inheritor to either the hexiform or uniform coordinate representational traditions that we tend to image in, these also having been brought to us with Imperial thoughtforms, which she may in fact predate. Regardless, I look forward to the result.



  1. We know of one means of ingress; the Swamp Temple (which does have crocodile themes, so I'm not convinced that the Heron God should be associated with it). However, we also know that it is at least half filled with water, making it especially dangerous. We also encountered a black obelisk with dark water tentacles protecting it, which may be tied to the whole matter. Additionally, there is a cranky old zombie master SWAMP HERMIT in the region who may know a thing or two.

  2. Working on some water control spells for that.

  3. the SWAMP HERMIT is known as ZUHAB


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