It is my pleasure to announce the grand opening of The Sons of Folg, Gunn Latth's première orphanarium!

It is my pleasure to announce the grand opening of The Sons of Folg, Gunn Latth's première orphanarium!

I'm renting a small place in the city, in a relatively safe neighborhood. I am also hiring a kindly widow (or anyone really) to take care of the kids while I'm away. Qualified candidates:
• Have an infinite supply of love and patience.
• Don't abuse children.
• Aren't tempted to put their hands in the till. But that's why I keep my cash in the bank in the first place.

In return you get food and board and possibly a small stipend.

Since running the place will be a full time job, don't expect to see much of me at the winehouse before 8 PM. But you guys are always welcome at my place. Yes, even Wend Wither.


  1. Phermpolis will offer to teach "SHIELD WALL" on a off day

  2. Thaugos good with children. Frail weak muscles unable to pull leash from Thaugos mighty hands

  3. In the event of the invasion of GUNN LATTH, we should have an arrangement to drop off the kids on an uninhabited island

  4. Let's be serious here. If children were actually a reasonable source of XP, we'd be the fucking tenth plague of Egypt.

  5. Heh, CD Projekt Red found that Witcher III players were killing cows for money and closed that loop by implementing the Bovine Defense Initiative...

  6. well to each other the kids would probably be worth XP

  7. Holy shit.

    Lord of the Flies was just a DCC Funnel.

  8. After much thought cole long, Folg has changed his policy on the less savory types who 'adopt' orphans on the streets. Upon encountering them, here is my pitch.

    To you, dear sir or madam, first of all my thanks for selflessly and thanklessly taking care of your young charge. Were only the world filled with men as generous as you.

    I would like to inform you of two facts. First, I will take your diminutive companion's health and happiness quite seriously; no harm shall befall them. And second, what you need, more then an extra mouth to feed, is a job. The employment opportunities I provide have reasonable profit margins and often require your extent skillset. Since you have already proven yourself an upstanding and moral character, it would be my privilege to work with you.

  9. I'll try to get back to you on this tomorrow Maxime Golubchik


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