Magician rulings not detailed elsewhere

Magician rulings not detailed elsewhere

1. Magician downtime actions
Each week, magicians can accomplish one of the following:
• Attempt to identify 1 property of a magic item (Intelligence check, sorcerers gain a bonus)
• Unlock a spellbook for future research
• Research 1 level of a spell (spells above level one require multiple weeks)
• Remove a spell from their spell list.

2. Spell research costs
Note: Exceptions to the rules below occasionally occur, but these are the general formulas.

• 1 week to “unlock” the book before spell research may be conducted.
• Research costs 1000gp per spell level, 1 week per spell level.
• Spells in a book are in ordered in a natural progression, and only the spell that is "next" is known to the magician.
• Research does not have to proceed in order. (For example, a 1st level spell may be skipped to learn a 2nd level spell "blind".)

• A scroll's value is (lvl⨯100 in research + lvl⨯300 in paraphernalia).
• So a 1st level spell from a scroll would cost 1000 GP & 1 week, defrayed by 400 for the value of the scroll, so 600 GP total.
• A 2nd level spell from a scroll would cost 2000 GP & 2 weeks, defrayed by 800 for the value of the scroll, so 1200 GP total.

3. Note on reversed spells
Spells researched from books may also allow access to their reversed application, but spells researched from scrolls do not. (The reasoning being that deciphering a book involves reverse-engineering from broad principles while a scroll is more like a specific formula.)

4. Spells gained when leveling up
When gaining levels, magicians gain a single new spell for "free" (without researching).

When gaining access to an entirely new level of spells, the magician also gains a bonus number of spells of that level equal to their Intelligence bonus.

These spells may be sourced from a book or scroll or rolled randomly by the GM. Taking from a book/scroll is the same as researching, but without associated costs.

5. Minimum & maximum spells per spell level
Derived from AD&D1e Intelligence table, as follows:

Intelligence Score (Minimum / Maximum)
9 (4 / 6)
10-12 (5 / 7)
13-14 (6 / 9)
15-16 (7 / 11)
17 (8 / 14)
18 (9 / 18)
19+ (10 / All)

6. Bonus spells per day
Derived from AD&D1e Wisdom table, as follows:

Wisdom Score (1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th)
13 (1 / 0 / 0 / 0)
14 (2 / 0 / 0 / 0)
15 (2 / 1 / 0 / 0)
16 (2 / 2 / 0 / 0)
17 (2 / 2 / 1 / 0)
18 (2 / 2 / 1 / 1)


  1. At the moment, all moving to that scheme would result in is a bonus 1st level spell known for Nilt-Siar.

    However, one problem it would cause is magician "spells known" filling up faster, which disincentivizes spell research in the long run. (Since you're still gaining low level spell slots at high levels.)

    So I think overall I favor your original idea. But y'know, if it makes more sense then it makes more sense. I do not know exactly how sandestin acquisition occurs.

  2. Anthony Picaro​ I meant I never got a level 2 free spell because I started at level 3.


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