Looking to take advantage of the arrival of the Spirit Medium PULITU, the warrior MAZDAK THE GRIM and the sorceror WEND WITHER gathered their companions NILT-SIAR THE SORCERER, PHERMOPOLIS, and FOLG SON OF FOLG visited a certain wine-house of GUNN LATTH in order to secure his aid in laying to rest the unquiet spirit of the Tyrant King NAR BARBANDENA BIRDA. Agreeing on a price for his services (and his sobriety), they planned to rendezvous at the palace cemetery before midhnight. On the way to the ghostly meeting, Mazdak sensed that he was being followed, and Folg doubled around to discover the Amazon warriors ACHÉ and ALA scaling the house of AUNIKK ANH GANIKK. Confronting them, and meeting with their captain, IÚRILA, they learned that the Amazons were also investigating the haunting for their employer, the Necromancer UZZARIS CHOL. Offering to allow the Amazons to observe their work, the combined groups met with the fearful gravetender CHATTA and awaited the coming of midnight. Soon the ghost was upon them, eyes bulging, trailing blood from the tatters of his ribs. As Wend Wither chanted sacred verses supplied by the medium, the ghost challenged Pulitu, Mazdak, and the others to hear his tale of woe. Hours later, the hearers awash in uncanny sorrow, Mazdak had agreed to vouch for the dead king to his ancestors in the afterlife.

After witnessing the gory vision of the tyrant's ghost, Wend Wither and Pulitu agreed that the best course of action was to send Mazdak into a deathlike trance, and as the medium set to brewing a mysterious draught, Mazdak's companions prepared for his mock funeral. Having returned to the grave, the Amazons pantomiming their mourning in a foreign style, Mazdak drank Pulitu's brew and soon he felt himself outside of his silent body, and was confronted by the faded ghost of Nar Barbandena Birda's grandfather, the usurper AHMES QOR. Mazdak spoke persuasively, and the shade, who Mazdak also learned was once named AWIRG KÂR, agreed to accept his unquiet grandson if some trace of his mortal life could be returned, and then he woke, hours later, unsure if his visitation had been naught but a dream. Waiting for Nar Barbandena Birda to manifest once again, they learned that in life he had especially valued a set of bronze warchief's armbands once belonging to the grandfather he had slain. Considering the name "Awirg Kâr" and the dead king's description of the bands, Wend Wither theorized them to be of a TAHUNI design. He and his companions tried several avenues, asking the royal physician AUNAR NUN if such a band remained anywhere in the palace, conducting visiting the shrine of the Princess THUSA, and attempting another false funeral at her grave, to no avail, and finally meeting a band of Tahuni wanderers at the wine-house, who agreed to seek such a band.

Next, they returned to Aunar Nun to seek his advice on resolving the feud between the retainers of KARUMAKKA and HUNAL CHENA. Aunar nun speculated on Karumakka's nature, musing that he might be imbalanced in his humors, troubled by some dark spirit, or any number of other woes, including a naturally hateful nature. He did, however, agree to examine him if the vengeful lord would accept his examination. Leaving, the adventurers hatched a plot to slip a CURSED SKULL EFFIGY beneath Karumakka's bed, and to facilitate this, persuaded the Princess AYIRA UB KAR to accept his dinner invitation, presenting them as her entourage. At Karumakka's estate, the drunken belligerence of the event grew and grew, and soon the various sorcerers of the party were ejected, and not long after, Folg had been dismissed as well. Taking advantage of this, Folg skilfully scaled to Karumakka's balcony, slipped into his chambers, and before long the soapstone skull was interred beneath a floorboard under his bed - and none too soon, for the fierce Karumakka, enraged at some imagined slight, had thrown wine in the face of the princess, and after a tense confrontation with Mazdak, had the entire company escorted from his property by his guards.

Then, looking to recoup some of the costs of their ongoing intrigue, the adventurers joined forces with the warrior PUNGA to seek out the BURIED CITADEL he had discovered in the jungles near UTTUN. As they were making their way through the dense forest, they encountered a HIDEOUS HUNTING BEAST which warned them off from its human pray in a guttural voice. As they traveled onward in the night they heard a lilting fruit-pickers' song off in the distance. Wend Wither assessed this to be the voice of a demon, and they pressed on into the night before making camp. Then, in the dead of night, as Folg and Nilt-Siar kept watch by the fire, they heard the voice of a traveler reciting protective verses, and then yelping in pain, claiming that his foot had been twisted under a root. He woke his companions, and Mazdak saw a DARK SHADOW circling his camp, whose motions seemed to coincide with the voice from the darkness, and seemed to chase after a false voice cast by Folg through trickery Suspicious of the circumstance, Mazdak told the old man that he would have to wait until morning. Ignoring his piteous moanings, he took on the next watch, and when morning had come, there was sign of neither stalker nor traveler.

Finally coming upon the ruins of the citadel, Folg scouted ahead to see a camp of UTTUNESE WARRIORS within the outer walls surrounding the earthen mound. Having no desire to cross swords with them, they stealthily maide their way over the crest of the pile toward a trapdoor that Punga had seen atop a tower that broke through the earth, taking note of an overgrown orchard within a closed section of the outer wall, in which lay the dead body of a GREAT SPOTTED LION pierced with many arrows, and of a dead Uttunese Warrior, under whose body was the shine of some golden object. Upon breaching the trap door, the MANGY CAT that had been sleeping in Mazdak's pack, as if overcome by some irresistible desire, bolted into the darkness below, and soon Mazdak leapt down after him, only in time to see a HUGE CHAMELEON, whose gaze seemed near to locking him in some enchanting gaze, snapped up the cat in its leaping tongue. He and his fellows assailed the creature with sword and spell - as the cat leaped from its mouth - and soon the chameleon was scuttling up the walls and out into the courtyard, where it met a volley of Uttunese arrows. Meanwhile as his fellows gathered up what trinkets they could from the crumbling bodies of long-dead priests - most notably, a DARK WOODEN STAFF depicting the twin heads of a cat and a toad - Nilt-Siar eavesdropped on the Uttunese, learning that those caught in the gaze of the chameleon had become strangely blind to the presence of their fellows, seeing only the ruined corpse of the thing that had blinded them.

Deciding it best to slip away before the Uttunese investigated further, most of the companions headed out in the jungle under the cover of a SORCEROUS RAIN called down by Wend Wither, but the daring Folg stayed behind, stealthily slipping into the orchard wall. Soon a chorus of the song of MANY SCINTILLATING BIRDS filled his ears, beckoning him deeper under the trees, and the flash of their chest-feathers nearly dizzied him were it not for the rain in his eyes. But still, unable to resist the call of the gold, he pressed on, despite the beaks like needles pricking him and the tongues lapping up blood, and soon he had snatched up a bag holding a golden idol, and furthermore trapped a quartet of the birds in a oilskin sack, and fleeing birds, uttunese arrows, and fierce swordsmen pursuing, he rejoined his comrades in the forest. After a tense night in the jungle, they made their way back toward Gunn Latth, avoiding a great PROCESSION OF SNAKES along the way.

Again in the city, and meaning to find a better price for the idol they had captured, they met with the Uttunese Prince BARUNNIN at the house of ANUKHA KHIGA, but found him an unbending bargainer. They agreed to return the idle to him at its market price, and received in exchange a letter to the refugee warriors at the buried citadel. And so they rested, thinking on further plans.


A WARRIOR LORD (After a fashion)
A VOICE IN THE DARK (After a fashion)






  1. Also, preliminary investigations reveal that we can bank at the Temple of the Gods in Gunn Latth, since we need to actually store the money somewhere.

    This may eventually result in the side-benefit of giving us some sway there, depending on how exactly their idea of banking works.

  2. Since I place no trust in my ability to not-get-robbed, I am for immediately setting up an account and dumping all my gold in it. To the rest of the party: are there any reasons to avoid doing this? Are the banks seen as an unsafe bet?

    Also do they pay out interest or charge fees?

  3. they neither charge nor pay out interest since i don't want to calculate it


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