
Showing posts from December, 2015
Once again, character creation & rules closely borrowed from Robert Parker 's SAVAGE WORLD OF KRUL

EDIT : New EQUIPMENT post here:

EDIT : New EQUIPMENT post here: You have 3d6x10 GP. Basic Equpment & Fast-Packs: WEAPONS Weapon/Price/Damage/Weight Axe, battle* 6 gp  1d8  2 Axe, hand 1 gp  1d6  1 Club 3 gp  1d4  1 Dagger  3 gp  1d4  – Flail 3 gp  1d6  1 Lance 7 gp  1d6  3 Mace 5 gp  1d6  1 Pole Arm* 7 gp  1d10  3 Quarterstaff* 2 gp  1d6  2 Spear  3 gp  1d6  3 Sword, long 10 gp  1d8  2 Sword, short  7 gp  1d6   * Two-Handed Composite Bow 40gp 1d6 1 Longbow 7gp 1d6 1 Shortbow 3gp 1d6 1 Quiver with 20 Arrows 1gp x 1 1 Silver-Tipped Arrow  5gp x 1 Sling with 30 Sling Bullets 2gp 1d4 1 Javelin (3)  3gp 1d6 1 2gp  ARMOR PIECES (Warriors may wear up to 3; Wearing more than 2 reduces movement) Bracerss 25 GP Breastplate (Counts as 2) 40 GP Greaves 30 GP "He-Man" Armored Harness 30 GP Armored Belt & Codpiece (40 GP) Shoulder Pieces 30 GP Helmet (25) GP Shield (10 GP) (Does not count toward movement) FAST PACKS Fast Pack A (37 GP) Backpack /


MAGICIANS Require INT 9, WIS 9 Hit Dice : d4 (Start with 4) Base AC : 9 Thac0 19 Saving Throw 15 (+2 bonus vs. Spells) Weapons wielded by magicians incur Disadvantage to damage rolls. They are not trained in the use of armor. May cast 1 First-level spell at WiS 9;  2 as WIS 13, 3 at WIS 14 Spells are randomly assigned. Inform the DM of your INT and WIS to recieve a spell selection. Effective Caster level is modified by INT WIS Chance of Spell Failure (d20) 9 1-4 10 1-3 11 1-2 12 1 Spells are wasted on a roll of 1; otherwise the caster may try again. At WIS 13 or higher, a spell merely delays by its casting time on a 1. Backgrounds: Add 1d3 to the listed stat; this bonus will not raise the stat above 17 (18 must be 'natural.') (More Magician backgrounds to come) (d6) 1 Scholar (Int) 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice (INT) 3 Priest (WIS)* 4 Hermit (WIS) 5 Spirit Medium (CHA) 6 Charlatan (CHA) *for the time being, re-roll results of "Priest" Experience  Level  Hit Dice (1d4) S


WARRIORS Prime Requisite : STR Hit Dice : d8 (Start with 8) Base AC : 5 ThAC0 19 Saving Throw 14 Standard ability bonuses 3 -3 4-5 -2 6-8 -1 9-12 0 13-15 +1 16-17 +2 18 +3 Backgrounds: Add 1d3 to the listed stat; this bonus will not raise the stat above 17 (18 must be 'natural.') (3d6) 3 Noble Savage (CON) 4 Tribal Hunter (CON) 5 Barbarian (STR) 6 Horse Nomad (DEX) 7 Desert Nomad (CON) 8 Pirate (DEX) 9 Thief (DEX) 10 Thug (STR) 11 Soldier (Infantry) (STR) 12 Soldier (Scout) (DEX) 13 Soldier (Cavalry) (STR) 14  Scoundrel (CHA) 15 Beggar (CON) 16 Explorer (WIS) 17 Noble (CHA)  18 Failed Sorcerer's Apprentice* (INT) * May use magical scrolls at 1/2 level. Exp  Level  Hit Dice (1d8) (SV)  THAC0  MB Dmg 0  1  1  14  19  2,035  2  2  13  19  1d2 4,065  3  3  12  18  8,125  4  4  11  17  1d3 16,251  5  5  10  16  32,501  6  6  9  15  1d4 65,001  7  7  8  14  120,001  8  8  7  14  1d5 240,001  9  9  6  13  360,001  10  +2 hp *  5  12  1d6 480,001  11  +4 hp *  4  12  600,001  12

This is basically the situation.

This is basically the situation.
what days are games?

The map as yet revealed.

The map as yet revealed. 06.06 GIKHUN TAM 07.11 GUNN LATTH 08.09 Tower of Dust 11.05 ZURENTH ZAN

HOOKS for 12/21/2015

HOOKS for 12/21/2015 1. Travelers on the caravan from GUNN LATH report eerie lights and angry howling coming from a CRUMBLING TOWER at the foot of the high sand dunes to the southeast (08.09). They sent a scout to investigate, but he was killed instanly by a stone hurled at his head from the darkness. There must be treasure in there, right? 2. A youth of the itinerant TUSP AZ TAHUNI people is accosting anyone along the piers who will listen, saying that his family's REVEREND MOTHER was taken in the night by "VAMPIRES," though admittedly his strange dialect makes it hard to discern whether he means blood-drinking undead, some kind of bandit, or something in between. He's offering a pouch of cheap looking stones, and the town guards are starting to look tired of the whole thing. 3. A wiry, gap-toothed man, KOJATA, clearly some kind of bandit, is looking for help recovering a "BIG SCORE" he alone knows the location of. He is asking for 100 gold pieces of "

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 1

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 1 Three adventurers, MERLIN THE CORSAIR (+Michael Moscrip) and the magicians PRESTIDIGITOR (+Zzarchov Kowolski) and IZZARD THE WIZZARD (+Zak Smith), made two forays south from GIKHUN TAM to the crumbling TOWER OF DUST.  After daringly but futilely attempting to capture a horned viper, they were driven from the tower by the howls (and thrown stones) of a band of seemingly possessed BABOONS whose eyes burned with an eerie light and who bore Swords, shields, helmets and 'mojo bags' in the manner of men. Bearing the unconscious Prestidigitor back to town, they drove off hungry jackals with flaming brands and loud shouts.  There in Gikhun Tam, they petitioned both the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS and the AMAZONS alike for assistance, to little avail, though one of the Amazons did agree to show a baboon mojo bag to her master, the mysterious Necromancer UZZARIS CHOL. Finally, Izzard elected to use his sinster magic to persuade an innocent

This is a space to manage information for backup and pick-up D&D games run on G+.

This is a space to manage information for backup and pick-up D&D games run on G+. Setting is a grungy, 70's flavored Swords & Sorcery. Rules are adapted from Robert Parker 's +The Savage World of Krül, and are a work in process. Character generation document is forthcoming.