Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 3

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 3

Three newcomers to GIKHUN TAM, the thief DUBOVAI
(Robert Parker), the scout POLIORKETES (Evan Elkins), and the hunter GUMRUCK (James Aulds), fell into the company of the magician ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins), and considered how best to pay for their next meals. After listening to the wild ravings of the naked mystic SENEKH, they made an arrangement with the desperate bandit KOJATA to seek out the ANCIENT TOMB that he had discovered at the foot of the desert hills to the northeast of Gikhun Tam.

Traveling through the desert, the party avoided any violent entanglements, navigating around the tracks left by bands of ROUGH MEN and avoiding the temptations of a deep haunting voice beyond the desert shimmer, singing a song of seduction and hunger, claimed by the fearful Kojata to the the music of a DESERT DEMON. Eventually finding the capstone of the tomb in the track of a dry river bed (perhaps, thought Dubovai, a clue to the trail of the GREAT BULL OF SORROW), they were warned away by the voices, in some ancient tongue, of a pack of TALKING JACKALS, but chose to breach the tomb nonetheless, slaying the beasts in the process.

Within the tomb, finding the strangely preserved bodies of ancient servants who seemed to have been slain in the process of spinning, weaving, and dyeing cloth, they cautiously destroyed the heads and examined the jars of dye, finding one a deep blue, another a rich purple, and a third, oddly, completely clear. 

Beyond this chamber, they endered a great open shaft where stone piers crossed over dark and misty water, and from holes in the pier, GANGLING DEAD ARMS shot forth to hack at trespassers with sharp swords. After assiduously baiting and destroying these arms, their explorations brought them to a terra cotta statue of an ANCIENT PRIEST holding a bronze-tipped staff, seemingly commanding the ghostly winds that rose in the tomb. The wary Dubovai belayed himself to the platform with belt and iron spike, as did most of his companions, except the cocksure Orgone, who, perhaps over-covetous of magic, or perhaps merely marked by the curse of the WIZARDBANE BIRD, wrested the staff from the statue, but in the process was blown by a fierce wind over the edge of the platform into the water below, where a throng of dead arms reached out to pull him under -- unfortunately taking the adventurers' only rope with him. After a desperate struggle, the white magician, would-be liberator of the East, breathed his last and was dragged inexorably into darkness.

Stopping only to briefly mourn, and to collect a scattered pile of coins from a nearby platform, the survivors made their way back to Gikhun Tam.


Creatures bested:
7 Talking Jackals
A Throng of Dead Arms

Treasures recovered*:

250 Gold Pieces
25 Gold Pieces recovered from Kojata's advance
Blue Dye Jar - 100 Gold Pieces. (Also mildly toxic; Save vs. Poison or -2 to Attacks/Saves/Checks for 1 week if handled.)
Purple Dye Jar - 200 Gold Pieces
Clear Dye Jar - The trader in the market doesn't want this. "Is this just old vinegar? The other dyes are quite fine."

Staff of Underworld Winds - IZZARD THE WIZZARD (Zak Smith) can tell you that its most basic function, in the hands of a Magician, is to conjure a Gust of Wind but at the price of a hit point. Only functions below the surface of the earth. Wisdom check to activate (3d6). 1 Hour cooldown on failure. Exhausts its power on roll of 3.

XP per player : 421 each

*Remember, Kojata is entitled to an even share of the riches.


  1. C Huth You weren't in the original session, but it was recovered from one of the statues in the tomb. It hasn't seen much use since then, but I'm advocating that when Zak doesn't show that you should carry it.

  2. to bad i'm tripping balls in the desert


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