NEWS AND HOOKS for 2/19/2016

NEWS AND HOOKS for 2/19/2016


While GIKHUN TAM continues to suffer under the twin yokes of the WESTERN EMPIRE and the continuing famine, to the south the PRINCE OF GUNN LATTH celebrates, as well into the evening of his life, a male heir has finally been born to his youngest wife. In a gesture of brotherhood, or perhaps placation, the Prince's brother ROLTA has arrived in Gikhun Tam with a rich caravan, sponsoring a great feast* for the town's elite.

* Charismatic heroes, or at least heroes able to blend into a crowd, can crash the party. Make a standard reaction check. A reaction roll of 9 or better means free Relatively Luxurious upkeep for the week, and the possibility of making friends among Gikhun Tam's smart set. However, a score of 2 or lower results in a harsh beating from the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS, starting this week's adventure down 1d3 HP. This will not reduce you below 1 HP.


1) The camel-tender DARI informs POLIORKETES HALF-FACE Evan Elkins  that he heard from the NOMAD TRADERS who live north of Gikhun Tam that a large band of the NIGHT-MEN was sighted moving northwest toward the hills where their temple rests. Their purpose and place of origin remain a mystery, but as the moon grows toward its fullness, this development could not possibly bode aught but ill.

2) As a strapping and acceptably handsome newcomer in the wine-house, ROBARD THE THIRD Dennis Higgins   has attracted the attentions of SUNUL, a jade-eyed beauty with the aura of the dusk about her. Plying the barbarian with fire-breathing sorghum liquor, she asks the "small favor" of recovering her favorite horse, a black stallion with a white crescent-moon mark on its flank. ROLTO THE TAILOR, a notorious trickster, has made away with the animal. Citing "sentimental attachment. She is offering 300 gold for its return, with strong implication of more personal rewards to a warrior bold enough to recapture the magnificent beast. Wine-house regular KOJATA warns Robard, "Be careful with that woman. Kojata knows a witch when he sees one."

3. The first night approaches of the vigil at the "certain house" that the courtesan SIDDANA needs guarded, for the benefit of her patron, the merchant and/or sorceror AKAMU. She continues to expound hushedly but voluminously on the topic of the bluntness and brevity of Akamu's sexual fumblings, and on the interminable tedium of his dinner conversation.


Unusual offerings include:

1) A monkey, ostensibly trained but obviously ill-behaved. Can steal, unclear if he can not steal. 120 GP.

2) A charm claimed to be proof against the evil eye. Totally works, the lady says. 100 GP.

3. White-and-black cloak of Sacred Ibis feathers. Utterly ostentious. 300 GP.


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