
Showing posts from March, 2016

Research Discussion

Research Discussion I looked at the Lab rules from Ars Magica to maybe think about how some rules from that game might be useful for researching.  The big one I think might be interesting/useful is the concept of the lab total. Thought on research ability: INT bonus + Level = Research Total So a 2nd level Magician with an INT of 15 has a Research Total of 3. This research total determines: 1.) How many spells he can teach in a period of time to a fellow mage/apprentice 2.) How quickly/well he can decipher found spells 3.) How quickly/well he can create new spells 4.) How well he can identify magic items/functions thereof Now, each week, you can break up your research total into those four things. 1.) Each point spent in this can teach one level of spells to another magician.  The magician learning the spell pays whatever cost it takes to scribe the scroll/add it to the spell book.  NPCs teaching spells will charge accordingly as well. 2.) When a number of points equal to (or double or


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 13 After watching from the roof of the wine-house as the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS battled and slew the sorcerer GBURUN, who, it seems, was attempting to sabotage the construction of the new bridge across the WHITE RIVER, and eager to loot the remaining portion of the ANCIENT TOMB, the HERMIT RINPOCHE C Huth, DUBOVAI THE QUICK Robert Parker, ROBARD THE THIRD Dennis Higgins, SULOMONDI THE VULTURE James Aulds, AND URSA THE MUSTACHIOED Zzarchov Kowolski  set off to the east, taking the porter CHANO and the bandit KOJATA as their guide. Reaching the dunes in which the tomb lay after an uneventful trip upriver, Robard sighted the shadow of GREAT WASPS on the horizon, and the party quickly descended into the tomb. Exploring the region west of the north platform of the tomb's central shaft, they baited out a unit of SKELETON WARRIORS and SKELETON ARCHERS and defeated then with fire, spell, and sword. Unfortunately, as victory drew near, so did the
Anyone up for Friday 25th 9:30PM EDT or Saturday 25th 9:30PM EDT?


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA SESSION !2 POLIORKETES HALF-FACE (Evan Elkins) , ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins) , and JAYNOX THE MAGUS (Michael Moscrip) once again set out with the bandit KOJATA and the Amazon ZBERALE to plunder the ANCIENT TOMB in the river bed of a dried-out branch of the WHITE RIVER. Leaving Robard's horse and Poliorketes' camel in the care of the porter CHANO, they explored the colonnaded chamber in the depths of the tomb where seemingly dead but eerily preserved WOMEN OF A QUEENLY ASPECT stood still in some gesture of reverence to the east. Exploring the niches around the edge of the chamber, they discovered a total of thirteen dead, standing women, most awfully dessicated. Suspecting some trap, they fell back to the corridor outside the chamber, and set off a line of flaming oil on the floor as a barrier, and Robard sent an arrow flying into the back of the nearest figure. As they feared, it turned hissing toward him, as did the two in line be



Isometric map of the ANCIENT TOMB in hex 08.04 by C Huth

Isometric map of the ANCIENT TOMB in hex 08.04 by C Huth


SESSION REPORT - SWORD OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 11 The Barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD  (Dennis Higgins), RINPOCHE THE HERMIT (C Huth), and JAYNOX THE MAGUS (Michael Moscrip)   set out once again in the company of the Bandit KOJATA to plunder the ANCIENT TOMB in the dunes north of the WHITE RIVER, employing the mercenaries ZBERALE and KAREEL, and the porter CHANO. Decisively routing a GANG OF BANDITS with a well-aimed javelin to the heart, and evading a patrol of the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS, they descended into the darkness. Luring out the unit of SKELETAL WARRIORS AND ARCHERS that guarded a door in the tomb's lower reaches, they narrowly won the day, but not before Kareel was felled by an arrow through the eye, and Robard nearly so by a cruelly bleeding slash to the chest. While Jaynox tended to his wound, Rinpoche, unable to quell his curiosity, examined the door they were guarding, which depicted a masked, bloated prince sitting in judgment over his unfortunate subjects. Wary of the door,

OUTSTANDING BUSINESS - comment if I forgot anything

OUTSTANDING BUSINESS - comment if I forgot anything - Slay Were-Lion - Cure Sarpedon - Capture Great Bull of Sorrow - Arrange lumber connection - Invest in Drinking Hall - Find books and scrolls for Uzzaris Chol in TOWER OF DUST - Rescue Reverend Mother from TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN - Finish exploring the ANCIENT TOMB

Might be a little thin on news and developing projects/ventures in the next week or so.

Might be a little thin on news and developing projects/ventures in the next week or so. Still plan to run at least one game next week though.

As a side note, SARPEDON THE SMILING (Humza K) continues to defy the odds and survive, although he is at -2 to all...

As a side note, SARPEDON THE SMILING (Humza K)  continues to defy the odds and survive, although he is at -2 to all actions and has disadvantage on all HP recovery rolls.

"Fellow Adventurers, events have aligned that not only allow us to deal with the murderous threat of DAL-GA, but...

"Fellow Adventurers,  events have aligned that not only allow us to deal with the murderous threat of DAL-GA,  but also potentially get paid to do so! Lumber is in scarce supply to rebuild the bridge, and Dal-Ga's hunting ground would be a prime location for deforestation if not for his threat,  something no doubt well known since his rampage through a fishing village and murdering our companions in sight of SENEKH,  who has no doubt informed the prince. If we slay the mighty lion so the savanah may be deforested we might be rewarded handsomely,  maybe even with gold, land, or titles, perhaps even a crumbling ruin that once held a SHADOW MAZE."

An additional piece of news - the ancient stone bridge crossing the WHITE RIVER has collapsed, causing many injuries.

An additional piece of news - the ancient stone bridge crossing the WHITE RIVER has collapsed, causing many injuries.. The Governor KIR KARIK SAYIN is organizing a corvĂ©e to construct a wooden replacement, though trees are scarce in the immediate vicinity. For the time being, a land passage between hex 06.06 and 06.07 is unavailable.


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 10 As GUMRUCK THE FAT (James Aulds) , MERLYN THE CORSAIR (Michael Moscrip) , and ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins) were drinking in the wine-house, they were approached by a nervous farmer, KER, seeking friends of the late ORGONE THE WHITE. He asked an oath of secrecy, but the superstitious hunter Gumruck declared that his people did not swear oaths so likely, and the wary farmer slipped away into the night. Curious, Robard tracked him back to his farm, where the farmer admitted that he was hiding away the naked mystic SENEKH, who had been recently secreted out of the dungeon of the IMPERIAL GOVERNOR. They hatched a plot to hide the mystic in a barrel and sail him out of town on the boat of the fisherman CHAM, and turn him over to the protection of the Prince of GUNN LATTH, reputed to be a pious man. Passing through rain and fog, and narrowly avoiding an IMPERIAL WARSHIP, they landed on the peninsula rather than risk sailing through the