
Showing posts from January, 2016

I think I'm going to switch Magician weapon use from "decreased die size" to "Magicians have Disadvantage on weapon...

I think I'm going to switch Magician weapon use from "decreased die size" to "Magicians have Disadvantage on weapon damage rolls."


HEROES' FUNERALS Normally the successor of a fallen adventurer may inherit 25% of the XP of the dead character. However, 50% will be inherited if the body can be recovered and given a heroic funeral, with a value of at least 100 GP per level spent on of the deceased sacrifices, grave goods, professional mourners, orators, venal holy men, impressive incence, free food and drinks for hangers-on, et. al. Donors will receive half the GP value contributed in XP, up to twice the minimum value. Partial remains are considered by a case-by-case basis; burying the half of the body undevoured by the monster is acceptable, but there has to be at least enough to mock up a body with creative funeral garbing. The adventurer who unsentimentally severs the head of a corpse, prizing encumbrance slots over reverence will find no satisfaction in the rites. Needless to say, attempting to recover donated goods after the funeral is likely to incur a terrible curse.

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 3

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 3 Three newcomers to GIKHUN TAM, the thief DUBOVAI (Robert Parker), the scout POLIORKETES (Evan Elkins), and the hunter GUMRUCK (James Aulds), fell into the company of the magician ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins), and considered how best to pay for their next meals. After listening to the wild ravings of the naked mystic SENEKH, they made an arrangement with the desperate bandit KOJATA to seek out the ANCIENT TOMB that he had discovered at the foot of the desert hills to the northeast of Gikhun Tam. Traveling through the desert, the party avoided any violent entanglements, navigating around the tracks left by bands of ROUGH MEN and avoiding the temptations of a deep haunting voice beyond the desert shimmer, singing a song of seduction and hunger, claimed by the fearful Kojata to the the music of a DESERT DEMON. Eventually finding the capstone of the tomb in the track of a dry river bed (perhaps, thought Dubovai, a clue to the t

The Death of Orgone the White, Failed Savior of the Eastern Empire, had really reminded me of how often I died in...

The Death of Orgone the White, Failed Savior of the Eastern Empire, had really reminded me of how often I died in Robert Parker's Krul games.  I will add Orgone to the roll of dead heroes: Medium Fang and Dar-Marc the Beast Master.  Let's see how long Hasslehoff the Handsome lasts or if he'll be crushed to death by a man-god.

Take/Session Report coming tomorrow, but here's a rough diagram of the shaft area you were in.

Take/Session Report coming tomorrow, but here's a rough diagram of the shaft area you were in. Purple is higher than green is higher than red.
Paste your characters in this document.

UPKEEP COSTS, shamelessly appropriated from The Savage World of Krül.

UPKEEP COSTS, shamelessly appropriated from The Savage World of Krül. DIVE: For the adventurer living on the cheap, they may find lodgings in a packed common room, a bed pushed up against the wall of a bar, or as a lodger in a windowless tenement room. No matter the specific locale, they can look forward to lumpy mattresses, thin stews, and leaky roofs.  Cost: 1 gp / week Effect: The lower of two HD rolls; A small chance of an encounter with ruffians, cutthroats, and/or parasites. STANDARD: A private room, either in a modest inn, a small apartment, or the home of a friendly local. This allows for privacy and some creature comforts. Decent food, relative safety, and, for the moment, a place to call home. Cost: 5 gp / week. Effect : Roll HD as normal. RELATIVE LUXURY: Succulent lamb, the sweetest palm-wine, the attention of lovely companions of the desired gender or genders - you are living as well as Gikhun Tam can offer. Rich meals, entertainment every night, and a queue of hangers-on

Would anyone be interested in playing if I run sessions at a more regular time than just pickups/backups?

Would anyone be interested in playing if I run sessions at a more regular time than just pickups/backups? Let me know what times are good for people.
Any interest in a pick-up session in about an hour since C Huth 's DG game is canceled?

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 2

Backup Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 2 Ihe the company of two new companions, the warrior SARPEDON THE SMILING (Humza K ) and the magician ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins), the charlatan PRESTIDIGITOR (Zzarchov Kowolski  ) once again set out into the desert in search of the riches which must surely lie in the TOWER OF DUST. Seemingly frowned upon by those obscure gods which watch over travelers, these three wandered long in the desert, though their troubles were allayed by Sarpedon befriending a strange creature of the sands, the LUMINOUS WIZARDBANE BIRD, who gave off a soft and pleasing light, though Prestidigitor feared it might bear some terrible curse. His fears, perhaps, had some ground, for as the adventurers came into the shadow of the Tower, they were attacked by a pair of ravening TWO-HEADED DOGS the first of which brutally mauled the poor Charlatan to grisly death, leaving him time only to rue the day he met the innocent-seeming bird. Then, left alone as