
Showing posts from June, 2016

Current EQUIPMENT LIST. Starting gold is 3d6x10 GP

Current EQUIPMENT LIST. Starting gold is 3d6x10 GP ENCUMBRANCE : Armor: Hand: Right: Left: Pack: 1. 2. 3. 4. Non-Encumbering Items: Bandolier: 1. 2. 3. Non-Encumbering Items: Belt: 1. 2. 3. Non-Encumbering Items:
Would 7PM EST Sunday be a workable time for any of you?

The SWAMP TEMPLE as yet explored.

The SWAMP TEMPLE as yet explored.


THE NEWS It is a day of mourning in GUNN LATTH as the funerary rites of the great Hero ROBARD THE THIRD, barbarian, deliverer of the GREAT BULL OF SORROW are performed. Amidst drinking and dancing, What remains of his bones, already charred, are committed to the fire. The naked mystic SENEKH pontificates with dubious relevance to the circumstances, and the aged scholar VOKK RINUAH, in the company his new apprentice BAUN, a plump orphan of an old but impoverished line, nods solemnly as the boy stifles a fit of coughs. At the moment before the crowd can begin to disperse, a finely appointed sedan chair arrives on the banks of muscular bearers. From behind its curtains emerges a vision, jade-eyed, sunset-dark, architecturally coiffed -- the lady SUNUL. She strides gracefully and with purpose toward the fire, casts a single rose into the flames, and without a word, returns to her seat and is borne away. Meanwhile, as one outlander departs, another arrives - an eminent dignitary of the WEST

Folg Son of Folg's Downtime:

Folg Son of Folg's Downtime: I am 100% spending this week learning to walk on stilts. Which I have purchased. Speaking of purchasing, what will the following goods set me back cole long? Stilts Rope Caltrops Jar of Ghee 7 Large Bags Long Metal Ladle 5 Soap Bars Metal Stakes & Hammer I'm also on the lookout for a war dog. Which probably isn't a sound investment, seeing as hirelings are cheaper and I don't cry when they die.
Going to schedule the next game for Sunday after next.

Funeral thread for ZATAN-GOHR (Daniel Dean)

Funeral thread for ZATAN-GOHR (Daniel Dean) Who's chipping in what?

Funeral Thread for ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins)

Funeral Thread for ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins) Who's chipping in what?


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 25 Intrigued by the mysteries uncovered before, the Barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD, FOLG SON OF FOLG, the Sorcerers WEND WITHER and ZATAN-GOHR, and THE HERMIT RINPOCHE set out with their henchman, the cannibal MINO to plunder the TOWER OF DUST. After stopping on the way to spy on the lone warrior fishing in the MYSTERIOUS LAKE south of the dunes, they arrived at the tower complex, and scaled the large tower to the northeast, leaving Mino, with whom the bold and genial Zatan-Gohr had made fast friends, to guard their mounts. Finding a pair of great, gilded gates at the top of the tower, and wary of the elaborate patterns limned onto them, they leaned the weight of several sandbags against the gate, and, taking cover around the curve of the wall, left Zatahn-Gohr's UNSEEN SERVANT to press them forward. Abruptly there was a great booming sound, and sand wents spraying over the edge of the tower. Robard hurried forth and through the gate he


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 24 In search of further plunder from the crumbling ruins of the TOWER OF DUST, the barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD, MAZDAK THE GRIM, FOLG SON OF FOLG, ONUDILE THE HORSEMAN, the mystic JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED, the sorcerer WEND WITHER, THE HERMIT RINPOCHE and NISH NAR'HA (himself a hermit) set out into the parched dunes north of GUNN LATTH. Leaving the cannibal MINO to guard their mounts, the nimble MAZDAK scaled the outer wall of the main complex of buildings, cannily avoiding a patrol of SWORD-WIELDING BABOONS and a TWO-HEADED DOG. Entering the high-roofed center structure, inscribed with entreaties to XAXTAY, a divine (or demonic) figure of the lonely desert and secret knowledge, they found a gated shrine protecting a GREAT DARK STATUE depicting a THREE-HEADED, SERPENT-TAILED DOG. The walls of the chamber were decorated with murals of figures going about various tasks, the pigment of the figured flaking away to render them dessicated or

Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Goodnight, Sweet Prince
more like the Tower of Fuck

So, out of 23 session so far;

So, out of 23 session so far; KOJATA'S TOMB 8 TOWER OF DUST 5 RUINED VILLA 4 TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN 3 GIKHUN TAM Town Adventure 1 GUNN LATTH Town Adventure 1 Pure Hexcrawl 1



The TOWER OF DUST as yet explored.

The TOWER OF DUST as yet explored.

Robert Parker Dennis Higgins

Robert Parker Dennis Higgins  Notable mercantile concernts in GUNN LATTH 1. Merchant house of ANUKHA KHIGA. Lumber and forest products. Rare wood. Precious metal. Brewing. Clannish. Provincial. Rumored to be seething with internal conflict. 2. Merchant house of AHEMBA SENO. Stone masonry. Steel smelting. Religious accoutrements. Ostentatious and self-serious. Schemers. 2. Merchant house of NAKHINO. Furs, hides, other animal products. Fine cloth. Perfumes. Proud, loyalistic. Don't cut their hair. In mourning for the long-standing house patriarch. Bandit clans threatening the PEARL RIVER VALLEY 1. RED VULTURES. Red sashes, yellow face paint. Opportunistic, stealthy. Ascendant. 2. LION MEN. Lion masks, hide capes, otherwise naked. Leave no survivors. Disintegrating since the death of their leader DAL-GA THE WERELION. 3. LOCUST EATERS. Undyed robes, flagellation scars. Cultish, live in the desert. Said to shun civilization completely. 4. BLACK BAND. Cloth masks, tattoos. Petty. Hold cl


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 23 Strapped for cash and anxious of the political atmosphere in GUNN LATTH, the Sorcerer WEND WITHER, THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, SALA THE ALBINO and FOLG SON OF FOLG set out to plunder the crumbling ruins of the TOWER OF DUST in the dunes north of the city. Traveling past an abandoned pilgrim campsite, and then becoming lost in the meandering paths through the dunes, they made camp as night fell. On Wend Wither's watch, an ominous cloud of dust appeared at the edge of their firelight, and, rousing his companions, they made a desperate stand against a band of CRUMBLING SKELETONS ranging far from the tower. Rinpoche summoned a great cloud of smoke to displace the skeletons' choking dust, and after a bloody fray, defeated the dead things. Resting uneasily, on the morning they followed the path of the skeletons to the tower complex, and scaled the outer wall on the eastmost edge. Noticing the flash of brilliant red and blue feathers among