
Showing posts from September, 2016

Who would be able to play THIS MONDAY, 9:30 PM EASTERN?

Who would be able to play THIS MONDAY, 9:30 PM EASTERN? (Will probably run again next Sunday at 7)


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 35 On the request of the Royal Physician AUNAR NUN, the cunning Professional Adventurer FOLG SON OF FOLG, under the cover of a heavy rain conjured by the sorcerer WEND WITHER, slipped stealthily into the house of the fierce KARUMAKKA. Quickly extracting the CURSED DOG SKULL SCULPTURE from beneath his bed, he realized too late that a trail of rainwater stood as evidence of his presence. Thinking quickly, and perhaps avariciously, he quickly thought to disguise his mission as a robbery, and began collecting any valuables in sight. Before long, as he was filling his loot-sack, he hear the click of a key in the door, and looking to direct the furious Karumakka's rage against a more expedient target, he plunged an UTTUNESE ARROW into one of the lord's pillows, and quickly he was atop the roof just as he hear a woman's scream behind him. Dashing down the far side of the window, he was chased by several WARRIORS, but, hooded, cloa

Probably have the take from session 35 tomorrow.

Probably have the take from session 35 tomorrow. Can you guys do 9:30 Eastern time Saturday again this week? Probably back to regular time the following week.



FACT: The Hermit Rinpoche has five strength points on Nilt-Siar.

FACT: The Hermit Rinpoche has five strength points on Nilt-Siar. So to you, Nilt-Siar, I have only one question:

It is my pleasure to announce the grand opening of The Sons of Folg, Gunn Latth's première orphanarium!

It is my pleasure to announce the grand opening of The Sons of Folg , Gunn Latth's première orphanarium! I'm renting a small place in the city, in a relatively safe neighborhood. I am also hiring a kindly widow (or anyone really) to take care of the kids while I'm away. Qualified candidates: • Have an infinite supply of love and patience. • Don't abuse children. • Aren't tempted to put their hands in the till. But that's why I keep my cash in the bank in the first place. In return you get food and board and possibly a small stipend. Since running the place will be a full time job, don't expect to see much of me at the winehouse before 8 PM. But you guys are always welcome at my place. Yes, even Wend Wither.

Who would be able to play THIS SATURDAY, 9:30 PM EASTERN?

Who would be able to play THIS SATURDAY, 9:30 PM EASTERN? I have to to be somewhere at the regular game time this Sunday.

sunday game?

sunday game? downtime for phermopolis is heal and workout, locate a good bathhouse listen in winehouses near the gate closest to the jungle for travelers words and rumors, and do a little guard duty while he mumble "sheild wall" in a slightly shell shocked fashion

Probably no game this week (Sunday, Sept.

Probably no game this week (Sunday, Sept.10) but I might put up a late event sunday evening if I get free early. Otherwise, I'll make an event for session 35 when I have a better idea of the next weeks's schedule.


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 34 After interviewing the young nobleman BAHAÏN on them matter of the BLIND DEMON who slew his father and entourage, and then consulting with the Royal Physican AUNAR NUN on the health of KARUMAKKA, the Warriors MAZDAK THE GRIM, FOLG SON OF FOLG, and PHERMOPOLIS, along with the sorcerers NILT-SIAR AND WEND WITHER, having acquired an OLD BRONZE ARMBAND from a TAHUNI WANDERER, visited the Palace cemetery in hopes of laying to rest the shade of the tyrant king NAR BARBANDENA BIRDA. Though the frightful ghost promised to visit a TERRIBLE VENGEANCE upon Mazdak for a few ill-chosen words, once the armband was given a discreet burial by the gravetender CHATTA, the ghost appeared no more, nor did yet a third false funeral for the grim warrior (with increasingly perfunctory mourning on the part of the AMAZONS) afford any further visions of his ancestors. They were thanked and rewarded for their deeds by PRINCE SARUN, and then they made haste to

Aunar Nun (or maybe just cole long) delicately suggested that since Prince Ganduna is mercurial in aspect (read: on...

Aunar Nun (or maybe just cole long) delicately suggested that since Prince Ganduna is mercurial in aspect (read: on the border of senility), he would respond better to the whole training-princesses thing if someone else suggested it. I would really appreciate it if anyone could do that for me, and I'll let you borrow my BRILLIANT GREEN ROBE, which like a dunce I forgot to wear.

Another superfluous scale comparison map, this time with latitude line and Two River Valleys Region inset.

Another superfluous scale comparison map, this time with latitude line and Two River Valleys Region inset.

Magician rulings not detailed elsewhere

Magician rulings not detailed elsewhere 1. Magician downtime actions Each week, magicians can accomplish one of the following: • Attempt to identify 1 property of a magic item (Intelligence check, sorcerers gain a bonus) • Unlock a spellbook for future research • Research 1 level of a spell (spells above level one require multiple weeks) • Remove a spell from their spell list. 2. Spell research costs Note: Exceptions to the rules below occasionally occur, but these are the general formulas. RESEARCHING SPELLS FROM BOOKS • 1 week to “unlock” the book before spell research may be conducted. • Research costs 1000gp per spell level, 1 week per spell level. • Spells in a book are in ordered in a natural progression, and only the spell that is "next" is known to the magician. • Research does not have to proceed in order. (For example, a 1st level spell may be skipped to learn a 2nd level spell "blind".) RESEARCHING SPELLS FROM SCROLLS • A scroll's value is

The BURIED CITADEL as yet explored.

The BURIED CITADEL as yet explored.

The Map As Yet Revealed.

The Map As Yet Revealed. 03.11 XUZZEL TENA * 05.07 Shantytown 05.09 RUINED VILLA † 06.04 Nomad Camp 06.06 GIKHUN TAM * 06.09 Hut of ASUNDA and MERU 06.10 Stone Cairn by Crater Lake 07.01 TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN † 07.04 Bandit Camp 07.07 Natural Amphitheatre 07.10 Hermit's Former Tree 07.11 GUNN LATTH * 07.13 WIZARD'S ESTATE † 08.03 Ancient Petroglyphs 08.04 ANCIENT TOMB † 08.09 TOWER OF DUST † 08.11 Mysterious Lake 08.12 Warlord HUNAL CHENA's Fortress 08.13 Golden Pear Tree 09.10 Warlord IBOSA's Fortress 11.05 ZURENTH ZAN * 11.09 RIN LOTU * 11.13 BURIED CITADEL † 11.15 UTTUN * 12.11 SWAMP TEMPLE 13.11 Hermit ZUHAB's Three Statue Shrine 16.13 SUNNAR NAKK *


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 33 Looking to take advantage of the arrival of the Spirit Medium PULITU, the warrior MAZDAK THE GRIM and the sorceror WEND WITHER gathered their companions NILT-SIAR THE SORCERER, PHERMOPOLIS, and FOLG SON OF FOLG visited a certain wine-house of GUNN LATTH in order to secure his aid in laying to rest the unquiet spirit of the Tyrant King NAR BARBANDENA BIRDA. Agreeing on a price for his services (and his sobriety), they planned to rendezvous at the palace cemetery before midhnight. On the way to the ghostly meeting, Mazdak sensed that he was being followed, and Folg doubled around to discover the Amazon warriors ACHÉ and ALA scaling the house of AUNIKK ANH GANIKK. Confronting them, and meeting with their captain, IÚRILA, they learned that the Amazons were also investigating the haunting for their employer, the Necromancer UZZARIS CHOL. Offering to allow the Amazons to observe their work, the combined groups met with the fearful graveten