
Showing posts from August, 2016

Down Time Thread!

Down Time Thread! Since apparently that was a thing I could have been doing all along, I have visited the young princesses for the last three weeks, training them in that most noble of arts, stabbing things until they die. I would also like to petition to see the mighty Prince Ganduna on this matter. Having learned a slew of useful skills, I now move on to practicing vocal impressions. I'm also looking for a chemist, skilled in the making of fireworks. If I can actually find him I try to get myself apprenticed. Oh, and have I been paid for any of my three weeks of militia duty? Is that even a thing that happens or is it just for room and board?

Funeral Thread for JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED (James Aulds )

Funeral Thread for JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED (James Aulds ) Who's chipping in what?


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 32 Receiving a delivery of scrolls in a high heroic style from the caravan-master UNUTTA DIN, the cunning warrior MAZDAK THE GRIM made plans to root out imperial influence in the court of the Warlord HUNAL CHENA. Having been introduced by his commanding officer HANNO to the warlord's son-in-law, Captain JANGANO, he received a letter of introduction and a place on a miltary caravan to his fortress. Joining the caravan with his companions FOLG SON OF FOLG, the sorcerers NILT-SIAR and THOGGOS, the mystic JUKKAR, and THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, they departed at dawn. The adventurers made a good impression on the grizzled warlord and he offered them one of his jeweled armlets in return for Mazdak's gift, then asked if they might join him at the feast that night with a reading from the epics. Nominating the silver-tongued Jukkar for the task, he and Mazdak retired to their guestchamber and selected an episode from THE ADVENTURES OF HASMADED


WIZARDS AT WORK™ TO THE MEMBERS OF OUR WIZARDLY ASSOCIATION and others of suitably occult inclination, I present my report on the particulars regarding the current situation of the so-called “Swamp Princess”, as investigated by myself over the past weeks. She is called the “Heron Girl” in her dialect, currently known to us only as "River Speak". My skill in this language is still fairly rudimentary, but I have used my time to establish a few basics, described below. She is more priestess than princess, though accepting that label unequivocally would also be inaccurate. During her time, she dwelled within the cave in which we found her, and while there she sang, until such a time that the elders determined she must be placed in the water, without warning. These elders were also not priests as we would understand, but the connotations of the acts were religious. Their tribe was dedicated to a force I will call the MÄŒS-principle. You may or may not consider it a deity, accordin


CATALOGUE OF NPCS KNOWN TO THE PARTY organized geographically, derived from News and Session Report threads Alternatively in google document form: In GUNN LATTH A'SAN ANUM, Bookseller; Suspected Imperial agent. AATIFA, porter. Diminutive fishwife. Suspicious air. AKAMU, Wealthy merchant, rumored to be a sorcerer. Erstwhile patron of SIDDANA. AREL, A farmer living not far from the Mysterious Lake northeast of Gunn Latth AUNAR NUN, Court Physician AUNIKK ANH GANIKK, Wealthy merchant. Missing a son. AYIRA UB KAR, Princely Widow of ZUR ZAYUM JAA of Zurenth Zan BADDA, drunkard. Frequents the docks. BARUNNIN, Uttunese prince, half-brother of the late Prince RAKKRO. Ally of the house of ANUKHA KHIGA BAUN, Apprentice of VOKK RINUAH. Plump orphan. coughs. CHASAN, woman-at-arms. Young huntress. Eye patch. Deceased. CHATTA, gravetender of the royal cemetery. CHUNIN, Pilgrim. DHUMBAR, porter. Call


THE TAKING OF IBOSA'S KEEP So, for those of you who missed the session two weeks ago, NILT-SIAR managed to Charm a berserker, TAW, under IBOSA'S command, providing us a map of his keep. We struck upon a plan to take out his forces, as TAW had access to the press where they make their blood wine. The SWAMP HERMIT showed us a highly poisonous mushroom that, when ingested, should kill the majority of IBOSA'S troops. We also know that their numbers are depleted during the afternoons when they go raiding; additionally, it appears that the blood wine must be ingested to bring on the berserker state, which nasty side effects if one should abstain, leaving those that survive in a weakened state. Despite our many advantages, though, this would easily be the most ambitious thing that we have attempted, although the payout would also be likely much larger than we have seen previously. So, we're going to need a plan, and it will need to be a good one. We can get admitted among the

Since Mazdak has two weeks downtime, he will spend those working in his new job as a city guard, looking to prove...

Since Mazdak has two weeks downtime, he will spend those working in his new job as a city guard, looking to prove his might, valor, and skill as a commander. Additionally, he will keep an eye out among his fellows for those who might be interested in picking up some additional mercenary work (looking to organize a small warband to aid in taking the warlord's keep).

Apparently for the first 31 sessions, the average payout is 1117.6 GP (grand total) and 646 XP per character.

Apparently for the first 31 sessions, the average payout is 1117.6 GP (grand total) and 646 XP per character.

I, Folg, Son of Folg, being of sound mind and memory, declare this to be my last will and testament.

I, Folg, Son of Folg, being of sound mind and memory, declare this to be my last will and testament. In the event of my death, most likely of violent means and caused by my own ill judgement, these are my final wishes. I bequeath Folg, Sword of Folg to a handsome stranger who shall show up unannounced immediately after my death. Should this individual practice a sorcery most malign, it shall be instead shared collectively by my close friends and associates (hereafter referred to as "the party"). In any expedition it shall be wielded by the most skilled warrior among them, on the condition that they refer to it as "Folg, Sword of ___ ", the blank being filled in by their name. I bequeath my stilts, and their accompanying pants, to any man willing to take upon themselves that noble craft. I bequeath six of my javelins to the hermit Rinpoche. Seriously man, you can throw them when you're not casting spells. I further gift three more javelins to any sorcerer prese


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 31 On the request of the Royal Physician AUNAR NUN, the warriors MAZDAK THE GRIM and FOLG SON OF FOLG agreed to covertly escort the Imperial Dignitary EMAASHAN GILBAR SHAREL to the city of GIKHUN TAM after much of his personal guard had been slain in an ambush by ANTI-IMPERIAL PARTISANS. Enlisting the services of the petty-sorceress SAINO, they heading out before dawn with the princeling and his remaining retainer ABTAK. Avoiding the usual caravan track, they took note of an OLD STONE CAIRN on the far side of a small crater lake, observed a trio of GIANT BEETLES, and noted the tracks of a BABOON PATROL near a rocky overhang, where they took camp for the night. By the fireside, Folg and Abtak shared a drink and a few brusque words, and later in the night, Mazdak and Saino bonded a bit over a round of smoking. Crossing further into the desert on the chance that they might find the lost caravan of the trader UNUTTA DIN, Mazdak noticed the
Hey folks - I'm holding off on making the next event until I know what my weekend looks like.

TAW's map of IBOSA's Castle

TAW's map of IBOSA's Castle

These are, I think, the magic items currently held by the party.

These are, I think, the magic items currently held by the party. - A Sealed Clay ViallTwo Green Mist-Filled Crystals - Black Quill in Glass Case - Sealed Silver Box - A GOLDEN CHALICE, studded with malachite - (a Ring found in) A DEAD SERPENT - Gold and amethyst amulet - Gilded wooden stool - A Green Glass Spindle - Torturer's Sword - 1 Magical Scroll encoding Drowsy Insect (1st), ESP (2nd) - 1 Magical Scroll encoding Still Water (1st), Animate Water (2nd) - 1 Goggling Golden Mask - Bronze Khanda - Staff of Underworld Winds - A FLUTE made from the bone of a large monkey. One note very shrill. - An ivory chalice carved with figures in the throes of passion. It is set with three large sunstones, one cracked down the middle.


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 30 Desiring to extend their map of the course of the PEARL RIVER, the warriors MAZDAK THE GRIM, FOLG SON OF FOLG, and ONUDILE THE HORSEMAN, in the company of the sorcerers NILT-SIAR and THOGGOS, along with THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, set out on the boats of the smuggler WRESI and his associate. After spending the night in RIN LOTU, they boated through the swamp when Mazdak noted a submerged path cutting through the vegetation. Disembarking to investigate, they found a BLACK OBELISK in the midst of a dark pool surrounded by an earthen wall. When Mazdak tried to dredge the pool, he was assaulted by WATERY SERPENTS that formed out of the pool. Unsure of how to harm the liquid forms, they retreated, and on the way back along the path, Mazdak befriended a MANGY CAT swimming through the swamp. Loudly disavowing any claim to the creature, he nonetheless tucked it into his pack. Leaving the boats as the hills began to slope upward, they climbed up to