
Showing posts from February, 2016

Everybody remember the 1982 Argentinian-American film version of Swords of the Inner Sea ?

Everybody remember the 1982 Argentinian-American film version of Swords of the Inner Sea ? (also known as: Guerrieri del mare perduto , Schwerter aus dem Meer , and Todos los guerreros están muertos )


SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA SESSION REPORT 9 It was a slow night in GIKHUN TAM as RINPOCHE THE HERMIT (C Huth), the barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD ( Dennis Higgins)  and URSA THE MUSTACHIOED (Zzarchov Kowolski) set out once again with the bandit KOJATA to plunder the ANCIENT TOMB in the shifting dunes, their retainers in tow. After an uneventful trip upriver, they entered the tomb, leaving the Amazon ZBERALE to guard Robard's fine horse and Ursa's team of water buffalo. They first retrieved the last, empty amphora and two great baskets of grain and cakes from the chamber where ZHONN THE NOMAD had met his end, before crossing to the western edgs of the stone piers over the great dark pool. As Robard crossed over onto the Westmost Platform, a BRASS COBRA AUTOMATON sprang to life and struck out at him. As he nimbly rolled away, Ursa lassoed the serpent and cast the loose end of his rope downward, leaving the throng of GRASPING DEAD ARMS to pull the rope - and the cobra - into the depths,



Size comparisons of the starting region for West Coast, Gulf Coast, and Benighted Canadians.

Size comparisons of the starting region for West Coast, Gulf Coast, and Benighted Canadians. Find Gikhun Tam at roughly LA, Baton Rouge, and Toronto

Is there anything major I can buy like property, ships, or title?

Is there anything major I can buy like property, ships,  or title?  I have like 900 gold and I am tempted to squander it on funeral extravagances unless there is anything high end that could be purchased.
Funeral thread for ZHONN the NOMAD (C Huth). Who's chipping in?

Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 8

Session Report - Swords of the Inner Sea, Session 8 Soon restless after their recent adventures, ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins), URSA THE MUSTACHIOED (Zzarchov Kowolski), and ZHONN THE NOMAD (C Huth)  set out with the bandit KOJATA to plunder the ANCIENT TOMB in the dunes northwest of ZURENTH ZAN. Enlisting the services of the Amazon ZBERALE and the torchbearer GARUN, they followed the path the WHITE RIVER, heeding the warnings of the farmers along the way that a SAND GIANT had been seen wandering the dunes. Riding his horse to the top of a ridge, Robard sighted both the giant and the tomb entrance, and led the group safely to the entrance. Leaving their animals in the tomb's antechamber with the Amazon, they explored north of the stone piers, finding a chamber with murals depicting dog sacrifices outside a large set of bronze-embellished double doors. Fighting off several INVISIBLE HOUNDS, they crossed the threshold to find a great statue of some ANCIENT DEITY of a sinister, av

riddles cole long

riddles cole long


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 7 Seeking the affections of the purported witch SUNUL, the barbarian ROBARD THE THIRD (Dennis Higgins), in the company of GUMRUCK THE FAT James Aulds), HAKKAR THE SEA-DOG (Mike Davison), and URSA THE MUSTACHIOED (Zzarchov Kowolski ) set out in search of ROLTO, the mysterious tailor who had stolen her fine black stallion. Following the trail of cruel pranks and jests the tailor left in his wake, (picking up a bounty on his head along the way), they traveled southward, suspecting he may have taken the horse to be sold at market in GUNN LATTH. Following the coast to avoid the rumored encampment of the angry eldest brother of the Prince, as they reached the open savanna, they were greeted from a raised ridge by DAL-GA, a huge, genial traveler carrying a great sack across his bare shoulder. Dal-Ga suggested that the tailor might be hiding out in a ruined seaside manor to the west, and offered his tracking skills, which they accepted. Followi

NEWS AND HOOKS for 2/19/2016

NEWS AND HOOKS for 2/19/2016 THE NEWS While GIKHUN TAM continues to suffer under the twin yokes of the WESTERN EMPIRE and the continuing famine, to the south the PRINCE OF GUNN LATTH celebrates, as well into the evening of his life, a male heir has finally been born to his youngest wife. In a gesture of brotherhood, or perhaps placation, the Prince's brother ROLTA has arrived in Gikhun Tam with a rich caravan, sponsoring a great feast* for the town's elite. * Charismatic heroes, or at least heroes able to blend into a crowd, can crash the party. Make a standard reaction check. A reaction roll of 9 or better means free Relatively Luxurious upkeep for the week, and the possibility of making friends among Gikhun Tam's smart set. However, a score of 2 or lower results in a harsh beating from the IMPERIAL SOLDIERS, starting this week's adventure down 1d3 HP. This will not reduce you below 1 HP. THE HOOKS 1) The camel-tender DARI informs POLIORKETES HALF-FACE Evan Elkins  tha
Would anyone be up for a game tomorrow evening/night?


SESSION REPORT 6 Part I Seeking a cure for the disease slowly rotting away his flesh, SARPEDON THE SMILING Humza K  , in the company of GUMRUCK THE FAT James Aulds  , HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME Dennis Higgins , KLIN-TONN THE REAVER Gus L  , and POLIORKETES HALF-FACE Evan Elkins  set out to rescue the REVEREND MOTHER of the Tahuni youth MANA, renowned for her healing skills, from the NIGHT-MEN who had abducted her and slain many of his brethen. Traveling into the desert to investigate the site of the attack,  they learned from a cagey NOMAD GUIDE with a GREEN-TINGED CAMEL (which Poliorketes feared might infect his own camel) that the Night-Men occupied an abandoned temple in the hills, and offered to guide them there for a modest fee. Taking him up on his offer, they stopped to rest in a cave in the foothills below the temple rather than approach the temple by night, only to be rudely ejected from their resting place by an irate SAND GIANT who claimed the cave - and most of the region - as
Funeral thread for HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME. Who's chipping in what?

The map as yet revealed.

The map as yet revealed. 05.07 Shantytown 06.04 Nomad Camp 06.06 GIKHUN TAM * 07.01 TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN † 07.04 Bandit Camp 07.11 GUNN LATTH * 08.04 ANCIENT TOMB † 08.09 TOWER OF DUST † 11.05 ZURENTH ZAN * * Towns † Dungeons
Funeral thread for ORGONE THE WHITE. Who's chipping in what? Current funeral rules here :


SESSION REPORT 5 The Scout POLIORKETES HALF-FACE (Evan Elkins ) , in the company of IZZARD THE WIZZARD (Zak Smith ) URSA THE MUSTACHOIED (Zzarchov Kowolski) , and ZHONN THE NOMAD (C Huth)  along with the water-bearer LOR set out to once again plunder the LOST TOMB beneath a dry river bed northeast of GIKHUN TAM. Travelling upriver through the sorghum and millet fields, they met with a band of PILGRIMS who were seeking either ORGONE THE WHITE (Dennis Higgins) , the GREAT BULL OF SORROW, or both. Debating whether or not to lead the pilgrims to the tomb to help recover the drowned body of the white wizard, they eventually decided it best not to confront them so abruptly with the ruined corpse of their would-be savior and turned north into the hills, outpacing the chanting, incense-waving procession. Poliorketes had been confident of finding the tomb's entrance without the guidance of the bandit KOJATA,  but his confidence proved premature as the adventures became terribly lost among t

Probably going to be stricter on water requirements for desert travel in future sessions, but I need to work on...

Probably going to be stricter on water requirements for desert travel in future sessions, but I need to work on exactly how to implement that in a way that's easy for me. (Probably some relative of Brendan's hazard system but we'll see.)

Funeral thread for PRESTIDIGITOR THE CHARLATAN. Who's chipping in what?

Funeral thread for PRESTIDIGITOR THE CHARLATAN. Who's chipping in what? Current funeral rules here :


SESSION REPORT 4  The three warriors HASSELHOFF THE HANDSOME (Dennis Higgins), URSA THE MUSTACHOIED ( Zzarchov Kowolski)  , and ZHONN THE NOMAD (C Huth )  accompanied IZZARD THE WIZZARD (Zak Smith ) into the desert on his continuing quest to unlock the mysteries of the TOWER OF DUST. Along the way, they found the starving farmer JIR, whom Ursa persuaded to accompany him, promising that the beasts of the tower would prove good hunting. Jir also told them of the storyteller HAARA, who had late wandered into the desert to tell his tales to wild beasts, but the adventureres chose not to seek him out. Reaching the tower, Ursa scaled the northwest turret, taking the sleeping BABOON SENTRIES unawares, crushing the head of one with the a stone from the ruined parapet, and slitting the throat of another while the last bolted down the stairs to alert the rest of his band. Reaching the top, Izzard toppled a pile of throwing stones onto the stairs, impeding the onrush of attacking Baboons, which w