
Showing posts from May, 2016


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 22 Seeking the TREE OF GOLDEN PEARS to appease the GREAT BULL OF SORROW, the Sorcerer WEND WITHER, along with ROBARD THE THIRD, MAZDAK THE GRIM, and THE HERMIT RINPOCHE set out from GUNN LATTH. Taking a ferry south over the PEARL RIVER, they crossed into the domain of the Warlord HUNAL CHENA, whose men Robard had previously conversed with during the SOLDIERS' FESTIVAL. Seeing Hunal Chena's fortress looming against the backdrop of the jungle to the southeast, they decided to travel upriver through the savannah. Avoiding several gigantic RIVER BEETLES emerging from the water, they continued northward until their progress was interrupted by a great expanse of swamp. Opting to ford the river at a slow and shallow point, they crossed north and, noticing the trail of several horses on the far shore, followed the tracks inland, finding a loose row of skulls mounted on stakes. Suspecting they had come upon the terrain of the fierce Warl

The map as yet revealed.

The map as yet revealed. 03.11 XUZZEL TENA * 05.07 Shantytown 05.09 RUINED VILLA † 06.04 Nomad Camp 06.06 GIKHUN TAM * 07.01 TEMPLE OF THE NIGHT-MEN † 07.04 Bandit Camp 07.10 Hermit Trapped in Tree 07.11 GUNN LATTH * 07.13 WIZARD'S ESTATE † 08.03 Ancient Petroglyphs 08.04 ANCIENT TOMB † 08.09 TOWER OF DUST † 08.11 Mysterious Lake 08.12 Warlord HUNAL CHENA's Fortress 08.13 Golden Pear Tree 09.10 Warlord IBOSA's Fortress 11.05 ZURENTH ZAN * 11.09 RIN LOTU * 11.15 UTTUN * 16.13 SUNNAR NAKK * * Towns † Dungeons


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 21 Wary of braving the desert in small numbers, but still eager for adventure, THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, WEND WITHER THE SORCERER, JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED, along with FOLG SON OF FOLG and the cannibal MINO headed to the city harbor to investigate a wave of disappearances. Questioning the drunkard BADDA, they learned that he saw a group of shadowy figures emerge from the water and abduct several young women in a secluded bend of the PEARL RIVER where he often secretly watched them go to bathe and gather herbs. Rinpoche constructed a blind of reeds and they lay in wait for the abuctors. When at first a band of women came, the three magicians and their companions were spotted and after an argument, the women returned to town. Undeterred, the party returned to their blind and, when, later at night another group of women came, the dark figures of several UTTUNESE RAIDERS burst from the water with great knives to capture them. The adventurers raced

Anyone potentially up for a session Monday May 30th 9:30 PM EDT?

Anyone potentially up for a session Monday May 30th 9:30 PM EDT? Will keep y'all posted.


DOWNTIME THREAD Robard is going to ask around to see if there are any rivals to the Red Vultures. Thoughts: we could possibly start a gang war or maybe start to insinuate that they are in the pay of the Imperials as scouts...


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 20 On a rainy day in GUNN LATTH, the warriors MAZDAK THE GRIM, ROBARD THE THIRD, and FOLG SON OF FOLG, along with THE HERMIT RINPOCHE, DOCTOR MALACHITE, the spirit-talker JUKKAR THE STARRY-EYED, and the sorcerers KLAU-KALAASH and WEND WITHER set out to plunder the RUINED SEASIDE VILLA northwest of the town, with their hirelings CHASAN, GUNO, and NHON in tow. Paying a toll to a band of RED VULTURES commanding a ridge, and avoiding a territorial battle between two LONG-NECKED GREAT CATS they arrived at their destination. Leaving Nhon to guard the animals outside the villa, they entered the domed courtyard and ascended into its adjoining tower. A cursory search showed that most of the villa had been ransacked since their last visit, but finding a scene of slaughter and a bloodied stone altar on the third floor, Wend Wither surmised that a sacrifice - and possible treasure - might be interred beneath the block. Robard, Mazdak, and Guno wor

Heh. I don't feel bad that we kept calling it KOJATA'S TOMB now.

Heh. I don't feel bad that we kept calling it KOJATA'S TOMB now.

Masdak the Grim's downtime:

Masdak the Grim's downtime: 1. Join the Gunn Lath militia. Given Masdak's military experience, he will attempt to negotiate for a position as an officer. 2. Try to meet up with the Red Vultures at Winehouse 2.

Dennis Higgins Can you front the cost for three commemorative headdresses for the heroes of the Battle of Dal-Ga...

Dennis Higgins Can you front the cost for three commemorative headdresses for the heroes of the Battle of Dal-Ga Villa? It'd be 150 GP. I'll split it with you once I have the cash.


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 19 Setting out from GUNN LATTH, armed with javelins enchanted by WEND-WITHER THE SORCERER to be deadly to the WERE-LION DAL-GA, URSA THE MUSTACHIOED and his companions ROBARD THE THIRD, POLIORKETES HALF-FACE, SULOMUNDI THE VUTURE, MAZDAK THE GRIM, and COLD MOUNTAIN CONQUERS THE UNWISE sought revenge. Employing the dull-witted, severed-head-bearing man-at-arms R'BAN and the diminutive fishwife AATIFA as a bearer, the crossed the savannah with bloody purpose seeking the RUINED SEASIDE VILLA the were-lion was known to haunt. After stopping to converse with a HERMIT STRANDED IN A TREE (and provide him wine) and warily feeding oily shark-meat to a CHEETAH in a different tree along the way, they took up a position on a ridge near the villa, noting three LION GUARDIANS around the villa. Ursa set up an insulting banner and hurled invective at the villa, but earned no response. Making strafing runs on horseback, they pinned the lions with a



Hey comics people, which Conan comics should I be reading?

Hey comics people, which Conan comics should I be reading? Both for this game and in general. Assume I can access any published thing and that specific stories is better than huge runs because I am unlikely to put in huge amounts of time. Or just talk about what's good. That's useful, too.

cole long

cole long The Great Ghajari also inquires as to his spell list. He's a hermit with Int 15 and Wis 17.

Hey DOCTOR MALACHITE (Evan Elkins), wanna be part of a seditious plot?

Hey DOCTOR MALACHITE (Evan Elkins), wanna be part of a seditious plot? We need someone to charm person one of the household servants of PRINCE SARUN, military leader of GUNN LATTH and brother to our ally the impotent and nearly-dead PRINCE GANDUNA. The goal is to find out whether there is any truth to the rumor that he is plotting against his brother. That way we can formulate a plan for when the prince eventually dies due to murder or tripping into a doorknob or having an aneurysm during a bowel movement or some other old man death. Or we can insinuate ourselves into SARUN's good graces such that he doesn't feed us to dogs to consolidate his power base after his brother's fast-approaching death. cc: Robert Parker
cole long  may i please have spells, and if i read it right i can cast 3 a day?

A thing that is happening that I am calling Spell Research:

A thing that is happening that I am calling Spell Research: WEND WITHER spends his downtime this week attired as a FALSE BULL, grazing in the field alongside the GREAT BULL OF SORROW, attempting to learn some of its magical secrets (such as Storm-Stomping, Bellow-Bolting, and Life-Licking) through EMPATHIC IMITATION, fading into its umwelt. To work bull-magic by becoming the bull, as it were, studying the bull itself as a magical text. He will commission a FALSE BULL SUIT, made of real bull's hide stretched over a frame of horn and bone, tottering on hollow hooves. He will paint its interior with cryptic symbols and later with notes on the BULLISH PERSPECTIVE, recorded in situ. He will spend his days exposed to the elements and the dubious stares of the prince's court. He will eat grass. And probably vomit. And then eat the vomit. For magic reasons. Two questions: 1) How much does this cost? 2) Does this work?
Funeral Thread for URSA, POLIORKETES, COLD MOUNTAIN, and SULOMONDI. Who's chipping in what?

The Known World In Rough

The Known World In Rough

In thinking about this post:

In thinking about this post: Here's a question that is maybe more fruitful: What vague ethnicities currently exist within the party? I thought of Wend Wither as vaguely Austronesian (until Cole says otherwise), originally from Somewhere East of Here. But basically a cebuano sorcerer working slowly west on shipping routes. But like what cultures might exist as implied by Cold Mountain, Poliorketes, Robard, Dubovai, etc.
Funeral Thread for DUBOVAI THE QUICK. Who's chipping in what?


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 18 Accepting the invitation of the Imperial major domo XOCAR RUKSH, a squadron of IMPERIAL SOLDIERS escorted DUBOVAI the QUICK, ROBARD THE THIRD, and the nomad COLD MOUNTAIN to the palace of the Imperial Governor KIR KARIK SAYIN. Joining a great feast, they waited patiently as the governor was briefed on various matters of state, making note of the various guests (including a seemingly displeased PRINCE JIDDAL) and wary of the large numbers of armed men. After the major domo dismissed most of the guests, leaving only the Govenor, the Prince, and the most hardened-looking killers of the bunch, the governor insisted that the GREAT BULL OF SORROW be brought to him on the morrow to be shipped off as a gift to the WESTERN EMPRESS, with Dubovai giving his public blessing to this act. They readily agreed, and after the governor indicated that he could likely make further use of them, they were dismissed and, though Dubovai hoped to catch a gli

+Jeremy Duncan's Night-Man illo

+Jeremy Duncan's Night-Man illo

So, what kind of outstanding priorities do we have? As best as I can tell, it's:

So, what kind of outstanding priorities do we have? As best as I can tell, it's: 1.) Kill that fucking were-lion. 2.) Not get killed by Imperial Assassins 3.) Exploit the Tower of the Dust 4.) Find new dungeons to exploit. I think it's best we lay off the Temple of the Nightmen for the time being as that brings us a little closer to Ghikun Tam than I am comfortable with. We can also explore up the river from Gunn Lath and see what that brings us.

Funeral thread for RUDOLPHO THE PIRATE

Funeral thread for RUDOLPHO THE PIRATE Who''s chipping in what?

Is it possible for me to hand deliver a barrel of wine to the farmer who always let us stay in his barn on our way...

Is it possible for me to hand deliver a barrel of wine to the farmer who always let us stay in his barn on our way back from the tomb without pissing off the governor? Like is this a dinner a week later, or immediately?


SESSION REPORT - SWORDS OF THE INNER SEA, SESSION 17 Eager to learn some of the history of the ANCIENT TOMB in the dunes north of the WHITE RIVER, the HERMIT RINPOCHE set out with the pirate WUL, speaker of a language related to that in the tomb, in the company of DUBOVAI THE QUICK, ROBARD THE THIRD, URSA THE MUSTACHIOED, SULOMONDI THE VULTURE, JAYNOX THE MAGUS and RODOLFO THE PIRATE, along with the mercenaries HIYARI and YEGAN and the porter CHANO. Approaching the cartouche of the prince MUNPAR NOT EB DJARAM within the tomb, Wul suddenly fell through an opening trap door and was quickly caught by Dubovai. Exploring further down the shaft beneath the trap door, they faced an UNDEAD TORTURER wielding an unwieldy EXECUTIONER'S SWORD which knocked Robard to the ground where he was swarmed by SHADOWY SCARABS, as BROKEN SKELETONS crawled forth from a hidden torture chamber. After a fierce melee, including a spray of scarabs from within the torturer's skull after Ursa shattered his h